The regular Town Hall hours of Amanda Peterson, Planning and Zoning Administrator, on Wednesdays from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM are
on again.
Amanda can be reached by phone at (218) 895-4138 or email at
Crow Wing Township is accepting applications for its Planning Commission through July 11, 2021. All Crow Wing Township
residents are eligible to serve on the committee. Members are appointed to the Planning Commission by the Township Board.
There is currently one opening for a regular full-time member. The commission holds hearings on development issues, including
zoning, subdivisions, conditional use permits and variances, and also helps develop long-range plans for the physical development
of the community. Members serve two-year terms. Commission meetings are at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of every month. Residents
interested in serving on the Planning Commission should submit a letter of intent to the township by July 11, 2021.
Mail to: Crow Wing Township, Attention Planning Commission, 10069 South Oaks Road, Brainerd, MN 56401.
Check out the new Minnesota Voter Information Portal at:
Here you can find all about voter registration, sample ballots, absentee mail ballots and how to participate in the new
in person early voting.
Annual Meeting is the people's meeting. We will have township board members and/or committee members speak on various topics,
the 2023 levy will be voted on and the people's opinions on certain items will be requested. If you have an item of concern
that you would like to see on the agenda, please call 218/822-3985 to have it added or request that it be discussed sooner
at a regular board meeting.
Notice is given to
the qualified voters of the Township of Crow Wing in the County of Crow Wing and State of Minnesota, that the Annual Election
of Officers and Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. In the case of inclement weather, the election
and meeting may be postponed until the third Tuesday in March.
The Annual Election
of Town Officers polling hours will be open between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., at which time the voters will elect:
1 Supervisor - three year term
1 Clerk
- two year term
The Canvass Meeting
will commence at 8:15 p.m.
The Annual Town Meeting
will commence at 8:30 p.m. to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law.
The Annual Election of Officers and Annual Town Meeting will be held
at the Crow Wing Town Hall.
Crow Wing Township has been working Region Five Development Commission and Crow Wing County
Emergency Management to seek a federal grant for the construction of a safe house (storm shelter) at Crow Wing Estates.
If you are interested in partnering with us to work on this project, please call 218/822-3985
to let us know. If the grant is approved, the community is required to cover 25% of the project costs. This amount can be
made up of monetary contributions, discounted building supplies and/or volunteer hours.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to accept garbage or construction debris for recycling at the town hall. Also, the dumpster
near the shed is not for private use. We are having a problem with someone dropping off their remodeling project waste at
the town hall. This is NOT okay and will be prosecuted. We recently installed a new surveillance camera that will help us
identify who is doing this, but if you know who it might be, please let us know. In the meantime, the residents of Crow Wing
Township are paying for someone else's refuse.
If you know of events in the community that may be of interest to other residents, please contact
218/822-3985 to have them posted here.
Outside Storage Violations
The planning commission and town board are hard at work following up on complaints about excess junk and debris
properties, blowing garbage, etc. If you have a problem on your property, please begin to take care of it, before it ends
up on our violation list. The township does bill all expenses for resolving violations to the property owner and, if remaining
unpaid, these expenses are assessed to the property taxes for the parcel concerned. Let's all work together to improve the
appearance and health of our community.
Please note that the recycling center is now closed Please take recycling items to the Crow Wing County Landfill.
VANDALISM - Help us Stop it
We have recently had issues at the Barrows Community Park
with vandalism. We have received a physical description of two of the boys involved.
The picnic tables have been vandalized over the summer, as well as the light on the flag
pole, the pavillion, the outlet covers (all power has been turned off), light bulbs and some of the equipment has been abused.
We have also had graffiti sprayed on the back of the recycling shed.
If you know who is responsible for any of these acts, please call 822-3985. You may give
information anonymously if you prefer. Or you can report it directly to the Crow Wing County Sheriff's Dept.
We appreciate your help to prevent further damage and unnecessary taxpayer expense.
The township park has newly installed horseshoe
pits at the park for league play. If you are interested in joining a team, please call or email Connie Bachman, 829-7096
The horseshoe pits will be open to anyone when a tournament is not taking
place and even then, you can probably join in. (bring your own horseshoes)

At this point, the town board has not found an affordable method of dog control. If you have
a stray dog on your property you can take it directly to H.A.R.T. If the dog is dangerous, please, as always, contact the
County Sheriffs Department.
CROW WING TOWNSHIP has a new email address.....
Please update your records

As many of you know, Crow Wing Township inherited a number of land use violations from the
county when we took over planning & zoning administration and others have occurred since then. One of the reasons we assumed
these responsibilities was the number of requests we received from residents about cleaning up the garbage, junk vehicles
and debris in the township. There has been considerable progress made. For more information, check the
Planning & Zoning page on this website.