8, 2012
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Tom Muehlbauer presented 40 pair of gopher feet for bounty.
One bid for regular road maintenance had been received
from Dale’s Excavating. The bid was opened and reviewed. Dave made a motion
to accept the bid as written:
Grading - $94.00 per mile, Snow plowing & Sanding -
$50 per mile, Motor Grader to Scrape Ice - $125.00 per hour, Gravel Application and Spreading - $13.25 per yard, Shoulder
Maintenance & Repair - $19.00 per yard, Bituminous Road Repair - $175.00 per hour, Road Repair (Motor Grader, Loader,
Truck) - $85.00 per hour, Sweep Roads - $85.00 per hour with a minimum of $1200 per month for plowing from December through
March and a fuel surcharge of 50 cents per mile for each 10 cent increase over $4 per gallon.
The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Dale informed the board that some of the trees on Crow
Wing Circle have grown to the point that plowing is difficult. Dave will look into it and find out who the trees belong to
so that we can trim or remove them. He also indicated that vegetation on the gravel roads is causing a problem for grading.
Discussion followed. Dave will look into solutions. Mark made a motion to adopt the attached resolution designating Dave Schultz
as the liaison for the road contract. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
George Burton was present to discuss the problem with water
backing up into yards in areas of the plat of Lone Oak and suggested that Ravenswood Road in White Oaks Glen is stopping natural
drainage. Mark remembered there being opposition to the plat of White Oaks Glen due to there being so much water in that area
and no area for that water to go. Dave has looked at the roads and culverts and found that there doesn’t appear to be
that much water this year and none that comes up to Ravenswood Road. George stated that part of the problem appears to be
beaver dams in the WPA created drainage ditch that runs through the area. Dave had spoken with Craig Feierabend who said here
have been dams there for at least 50 years. Brad Arnold added that he knows from personal experience that it has been dammed
for more than 30 years. He also added that the area that the plat of Lone Oak sits on was largely swampland at one time and
that we have experienced a low water table for the past ten years, with levels just beginning to increase recently. Research
into state statutes shows that the ditch is under the jurisdiction of the county and the County Commissioners at the only
ones in this area who could make decisions about improving or re-opening the ditch.
Dave had looked into the value of the old riding lawnmower
that the township has and found it to be $500 to $1100. It was decided that a notice will be put on the township website requesting
sealed bids submitted before the May 22nd meeting. It will be noted that it will run with a new battery.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims were
approved and paid.
Dave gave the road report. A letter will be sent to Duane
and Angie Zetah informing them that the landscaping rocks in the ditch along their property will need to be moved back out
of the right of way.
The minutes of the April 24th Regular Meeting and the April
26th Board of Appeal meeting were reviewed. Greg made a motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion was
seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
was reviewed and the meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:25 p.m.