Regular Meeting April 10, 2012 Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Brandon Tautges presented 160 pairs of gopher feet for
The AWAIR Safety Meeting was the first item on the agenda.
Mark stated the purpose of the meeting which is for loss prevention and injury reduction. Employees were reminded to follow
all safety precautions and there was discussion about various safety procedures. All
employees were asked to report any injuries or safety issues to the town board immediately.
The Annual Meeting with the Planning Commission was also
on the agenda. Brad Arnold outlined two methods for adopting the new land use ordinance. One is to adopt the ordinance as-is
with an addendum that states the additional items that define it as the township ordinance instead of that of the county.
The second method would be to amend the draft to fit the township and make those changes throughout the document. The Planning
Commission recommendation is to amend the entire document due to fact that it will likely be many years before this is done
again and makes the ordinance more clear. There are a few other items that could be included in this process. There has also
been some research into a junk ordinance which would help define an outside storage violation. A dog ordinance has also been
discussed, but this falls outside of land use. The Planning Commission encourages the Town Board to pursue this topic however.
It was also recommended that the board consider sending out a newsletter about upcoming ordinance public hearings. Zack Rogers’
term was up for reappointment as he had completed the remainder of Dick Rofidal’s term. Greg made a motion to reappoint
him, since he indicated willingness to serve another term. The motion was seconded by Mark. Discussion followed and the motion
passed unanimously.
Greg gave an update on information about a potential dog
ordinance. It appears that there may not be a viable alternative to a full ordinance with a contract with H.A.R.T. The Town
Board will continue to look into this.
A request for a street light at 70thAve. and
Business Hwy 371 had been received from Ted and Jane Hoskins. Discussion followed. It doesn’t look like the county is
able to install another light using grant money. No motions were made.
A deposition for the Engholm case was reviewed and found
to be accurate. Ginny will sign the document in front of a notary and return it to the attorney.
A barking dog complaint was received from the Plat of Nature
Path. A letter will be written to the dog’s owner requesting that she find a way to deal with this problem. Greg volunteered to be the contact person for this issue.
Linda Schuety requested that a changing station be considered
for the womens’ restroom. Brad Arnold indicated that he may have one that he could donate.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims were
Dave gave the road report. Two complaints about 4-wheeler
damaged to Roscoe Road have been received. The second complaint indicated the property that these atvs returned to after doing
the damage. Dave visited the property but no one answered the door. A letter will be sent to the property owners informing
them that if they are the operators of these vehicles and they are found to be causing damage in the future, they will be
billed for repairs. They should call Dave if they have any questions. The following items from the road tour were discussed. There are dips in Town Hall Street that will require
repair. Dave will fill these in with asphalt. Crow Wing Heights Drive has holes that require patching. Dave will fill these.
The broken up areas of Lone Oak Road will need repair this year. Dave is looking into various products for repairing them.
The road maintenance contract was reviewed. Dave made a motion to send out the bidding documents with a note on the sweeping,
gravel application and shouldering that they be done as directed by the board and not part of regular maintenance and a note
on the grading that it be done once every four to six weeks. The bids should be submitted sealed to the clerk and if they
have questions before bidding they should contact Dave. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
The minutes of the March 27th meeting were reviewed. Greg
made a motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
A request was received from Dorothy Wetherbee to purchase
the remainder of Lot 9 Block 4, which is next to the Wetherbee lot. There is no purchase record for this lot, but the owner
is listed as Franc Dennie with Francis Dennie buried there in 1912. No further use of the lot was ever recorded and there
are no known survivors. Dave made a motion to sell the sites, determining that there is no record of any price paid for the
lot. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
The town hall rental policy was reviewed. Dave made a motion
to charge a $20 fee if a renter requires someone to meet them with the key or show them the town hall, making a special trip
to do so. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Greg made a motion to adopt Resolution 2012-02 regarding
conflict of interest. The resolution is attached to these minutes. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed with Dave abstaining.
Greg made a motion to adopt Resolution 2012-03 which is also attached to these minutes. The motion was seconded by Dave and
passed with Mark abstaining.
Claims were
paid and correspondence was reviewed. The meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:30 p.m.