27, 2012
Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors
Greg Smith and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers, Treasurer Susie Goodew and those on the attached public roster.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
No gopher feet were presented for bounty.
Cliff Sasker was present to request approval of the renewal
of the liquor license for North Central Speedway. Greg made a motion to approve the renewal. The motion was seconded by Dave
and passed unanimously.
Wade Miller was present from the DNR to discuss the proposed
trail where it would run along Brandon Way. The State of Minnesota owns this area with the township having jurisdiction over
the right of way. He presented a draft of a Joint Powers Agreement that they would like the township to enter into. The township
will not be asked to contribute any funding to the construction or maintenance of the trail. The project will be primarily
using federal dollar with some state funding. Mark made a motion to enter into
the Joint Powers Agreement as shown in the draft presented at this meeting for the Paul Bunyan Trail - Baxter to Crow Wing
State Park Segment. The motion was seconded by Dave. Discussion followed and the motioned carried unanimously. Greg made a
motion to appoint Ginny as the designee for handling paperwork. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Rob Anthony was present to discuss the progress on the
cleanup of the Anthony property. He has been moving things from the front to an area in back. Dave verified that every time
he goes by the property appears to have improved. Rob said that over the next two weeks he has help lined up and will get
much accomplished. A neighbor contacted Greg to express appreciation for the cleanup that is taking place.
Dave received a complaint about 10710 Town Hall Street
concerning several vehicles that have been accumulated on the property recently. A letter will be sent letting them know of
the complaint, with wording as recommended by CGI. Dave also received additional complaints about the two properties on Wels
Ave. The Wakefield property complaint is about junk and the Lippert/Robertson property complaint is about the partially dismantled
mobile home and the mess that this has created.
There has also been a complaint about 10199 Depot Street.
The report is that the residents have no garbage service and their garbage is
placed under a tarp in the front yard, from where it blows into neighboring yards. A letter will be sent to the resident notifying
them of the violation and giving them 30 days to resolve it.
The Neelan property continues to generate complaints. There
have been vehicles parked in the road right of way and bicycles left there. It will be looked into on the road tour. The owners
have been previously notified that items left in the road right of way will be removed by the township.
Dog control was considered after complaints from Crow Wing
Estates residents were expressed at the Annual Meeting. Greg will check with Justin about whether or not we could write something
into the land use ordinance that would allow us to bill the dogs’ owners and assess it to their property taxes if the
bill goes unpaid. The Planning Commission will be asked to discuss this at their next meeting.
The BMX club asked for permission to bring in rock and
a septic tank to the property before road restrictions are released. The board decided that since our policy is to not make
exceptions to these restrictions that we can’t permit it.
A request was received for a stop sign at Barrows Ave and
Canary Street. After assessing the intersection Dave decided that he would install one.
The Reorganizational Meeting was next on the agenda. Mark
was sworn in as Supervisor for a three year term and was selected to continue as Chairman. Greg will continue to work with
the Planning Commission, Dave will continue as Road Supervisor and Mark will continue to work with the cemetery. The designated
banks will be the same as last year. Greg made a motion to set the meeting schedule
as presented at the Annual Meeting. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously. The meeting schedule was posted
on the door of the town hall. Mark made a motion to pay the donations in the amounts recommended at the Annual Meeting. The
motion carried with Dave opposed.
Fees were set for the following: Title Searches - $5 for
paper copies or no charge if done by email, photocopies of town records – first 20 free and 25 cents per copy after
that, Entry Permits $50, Notary Stamp free, but only offered before or after meetings, Town Hall Rental - $30 for township
residents and $60 for non-residents with a $250 damage deposit that is returnable, Park & Pavilion $30 if reserved. Use
of personal equipment such as a 4-wheeler will be $15 per hour.
Mark made a motion to set the following pay rates for township
employees: Supervisors $65 salary, $80 per meeting, Clerk $900 per salary, $100 per meeting, Treasurer $300 salary, $80 per
meeting, Planning Commission $50 per meeting, Chair $60, Cemetery Actuaries $25 per visit, Hourly pay $18 per hour (handyman,
mowing, cleaning, road supervisor etc.), Recycling $55, Election Judges $12 per hour, Head Judge $14 per hour with board members
at the regular hourly rate, AWAIR meeting $25. The motion was seconded by Dave.
Discussion followed.The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Susie was approved to attend PERA training in Baxter on
May 23rd.
The minutes of the March 6th meeting and March
13th Canvass Meeting were reviewed. Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave
and carried unanimously.
Payroll was approved and paid and correspondence was reviewed.
The meeting
was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. by general consent.