Regular Meeting February
14, 2012 Crow Wing Town
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
No gopher bounties were claimed.
An update on the Engholm violation was given. Curt did
not show up for the hearing in criminal court and the judge issued a warrant for his arrest with $1000 bond. The township
attorney has also sent a letter to Isla Engholm as the property owner, encouraging her to agree to allow the township to clean
up the property and assess the costs to the property taxes. If she does not enter into an agreement voluntarily, the matter
will proceed through civil court for a judge’s decision, which would increase the costs being billed to the property
The Anthony violation was discussed. It has been reported
that Rob had moved the boats and one vehicle but that the garbage that was in them has been piled on other vehicles. It is
likely that these bags of garbage will open and pose a problem in the future. Expenses for resolving the violation will continue
to be billed to the Anthonys until it is resolved.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims were
approved. Dave made a motion to transfer $8151.52 from General Fund to Planning
and Zoning to cover the negative balance from 2011. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
The Audit and Budget meetings will be moved to the regular
agenda on the February 28th meeting. The Reorganizational Meeting will be part of the regular agenda for the March
27th meeting. The AWAIR Meeting and Annual Meeting with the Planning Commission will be made part of the regular
agenda on April 10th.
Dave gave the road report. A check was received from the
Court Administrator. This is another payment from the vandals who damaged township signs last summer. It is encouraging that the courts are requiring these juveniles to pay for the replacement of the signs.
Greg made a motion to appoint Linda Schuety as Head Judge
and Susie Goodew and Sue Kearn as election judges for the township election. The
motion was seconded by Mark and passed with Dave abstaining.
The minutes of the January 24th meeting were reviewed.
Dave made a motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Claims were
paid and correspondence was reviewed. The meeting adjourned by general consent at 7:40 p.m.