Regular Meeting October
11, 2011
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00
Board Members Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Norman Roscoe had presented 44 pair of gopher bounties
for a total of $66.
Wade Miller, Area Trails Supervisor with MN DNR was present
to discuss the proposed continuation of the Paul Bunyan Trail to Crow Wing State Park. A portion of the trail would be constructed
in the right of way of Brandon Way. They are requesting the town board’s agreement with this route, although it may
not be the final route chosen. A map of the proposed route was reviewed.
Mark made a motion to support the agreement, assuming that
the right of way that we have allows for it. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Chad Scwendeman was present to request that the township
take over Catherine’s Way and Libby Lane. It was determined that Catherine’s Way will be accepted due to a previous
agreement with Navillus Land Company who completed and paved the road all the way through to connect with 50th
Ave. Libby Lane has only one home on it, so it does not meet the construction requirement. Since the road was put in by Navillus,
Mike Sullivan should make the official request. Dave asked who is responsible for the needed repairs. It was discussed that
the board would have taken the road over much sooner had a request been received. Greg made a motion to pass the attached
resolution, which will be signed as soon as a request from Mike Sullivan is received and to repair Catherine’s Way.
The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously. Chad called Mike Sullivan,
who made his request to the board by phone.
Wade Tomberlin was present to discuss the violation on
his property. His outhouse has been approved and he stated that reports that more debris is being hauled in are false and
that he has done everything he was asked to do. Brad will be asked to inspect the property and if no violation exists, the
property will be removed from the violation list. If there is still a violation, all future expenses will be billed to the
property owner. Wade was asked if he has titles for all vehicles on the property and he stated that he does and will have
them available for Brad when he makes his inspection.
Rob Anthony and Wendy Keeler were present to discuss the
violation on their property. Information on the salvage yard was reviewed including the fact that the county has been receiving
a fee from them each year but have stated that it is not a junk salvage permit fee. Rob stated that they plan to have trees
planted next spring to screen the property and he would like to remove the fence. The ordinance will need to be reviewed to
determine if this is acceptable and Rob will continue to work on the fence. Rob asked for a couple of extra weeks to get the
fence finished. Greg said that he didn’t know if patching the fence will enable it to meet the fencing standards. Justin
will be asked to look into the fencing versus screening issue and to clarify to Rob what the ordinance requires for a salvage
yard, including a copy of the portion of the ordinance that addresses them. They
will attend the next meeting to discuss it further.
Martin Copa was present to discuss the manufactured home
on the Sullivan property, formerly belonging to this brother Marvin. Instead of dismantling the trailer, he would like to
live in it during the winter while he works on his own house. It was determined that this decision would be up to Mike Sullivan
as owner of the property. Having the house on the property is not a violation, but the owner of the property must determine
how long the structure can remain. Greg offered to call Mike and ask him to make a decision on the matter. Martin was reminded
that removing the structure was part of the agreement for cleanup and he should plan to dismantle and remove it as soon as
possible but at least by next spring. He was also reminded that he can continue to live in the home only with Mike’s
Curt Engholm was not present to discuss his violation.
The inspection will be on October 25th at the beginning of the regular board meeting, as previously planned.
A request to raise a pair of gravestones that are sinking
into the ground at the cemetery had been received. It was determined that we should bring this issue up at the annual meeting
to get input on how these and other similar issues at the cemetery should be funded. The people will be asked whether or not
they would like to see general fund money spent, form a volunteer committee to raise funds or other ideas.
The cul de sac on the end of Town Hall Street was discussed.
There is 130 feet of right of way and this extends 35 feet onto the Hanson’s driveway. There should be plenty of room
for the bus to be pulled in and back up for turning all within the right of way that the township has. Dave will meet with
the school district transportation people and will put stakes up on the driveway where the right of way ends.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report and claims were
The minutes of the September 27th meeting were reviewed.
Greg made a motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
Claims were approved and paid.
Dave gave the road report. It was decided that the current
method of snowplowing will be continued without setting a formal plowing policy.
Claims were paid and correspondence was reviewed.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 9:00 p.m.