Regular Meeting September
27, 2011
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors
Greg Smith, Clerk Virginia Rogers and those on the attached public roster.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
No gopher bounties were claimed.
Planning and zoning items were discussed. The Carol Krueger
construction without a permit was considered. The Planning Commission had recommended charging the permit fee plus $1. The
Gephart violation was also considered. He has paid the fee for one lean-to and the triple after the fact fee.
Mark made a motion to accept the after the fact fee of
$525 for the Gephart violation with no additional charges, following the Planning Commission recommendation. The motion was
seconded by Greg and passed unanimously. Greg made a motion to accept the recommendation of the planning commission to charge
the permit fee and a $1 additional fee to Carol Krueger, based on the fact that thefamily constructed the building with faulty
information about the need for a permit for a portable shed, the shed permitting process is in the revision process at this
time and Carol did make every attempt to resolve the violation as soon as she was aware of it. The motion was seconded by
Mark and passed unanimously.
Martin Copa’s agreement with Mike Sullivan to dismantle
the trailer house on the property formerly owned by Marvin Copa was discussed. Martin has asked to live on the property for
the winter before dismantling it since that trailer is in better condition than his own. It was determined that the agreement
was for dismantling and removing the structure as part of Martin’s community service hours ordered by the court. A letter
will be sent to Martin instructing him to complete the removal of the structure as agreed upon with both the property owner
and the township.
A request had been received from the school district transportation
office for assistance with a turnaround location for the school bus on the end of Town Hall Street. The cul de sac there isn’t
large enough to allow the bus to turn around. The driver has been using the Hanson’s driveway when he picks up their
child, but they have informed the school district that they no longer will allow him to do that. He is currently using the
trail that goes onto the Tom Thompson lot, but once the snows block that there will be nowhere left for him to use. An aerial
photo with property lines markings was reviewed. If accurate, the right of way might be large enough to expand the cul de
sac. It also appears that a portion of the Hanson’s driveway may be in the right of way.
The minutes of the September 6th meeting were
reviewed. Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Mark and carried by unanimous vote.
Payroll was approved and paid and correspondence was reviewed.
The meeting
was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. by general consent.