Regular Meeting September
6, 2011
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00
Board Members Present: Chairman
Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
No gopher bounties were claimed.
Greg shared information from the ordinance, noting that
Section 45.1 of the county ordinance indicates that salvage yards must follow the guidelines set forth in the ordinance. Since
Crow Wing County has been charging Anthony’s an annual permit fee even after the township assumed administration of
planning and zoning, a letter will be sent to the county requesting that they enforce these standards in regard to Anthony’s
salvage yard.
Mark made a motion to require the after the fact fees on
the Gephart property, since there was no permit issued for the two lean-tos added to the pole building. The motion was seconded
by Greg and passed unanimously.
Dave had done
some research into tire disposal for a potential township cleanup event. The lowest prices he found were 1.50 for car tire,
2.05 for car tire and 8.00 for a semi tire plus 12%. They would be picked up at the town hall for that price. If hauled to
St. Martin the fee would be $120 per ton. It appears that it would be cheaper to have them picked up here. It was decided
that it should be discussed at the annual meeting and planned for next spring.
Susie gave the treasurer’s report. Greg made a motion to accept the report with the balance difference of $4.40 due to a CTAS
program error. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
The minutes of the August 23rd meeting were
reviewed. It was noted that Curt Engholm was reminded during that meeting that he must produce titles for every remaining
vehicle on the premises at the time of inspection on October 25th. With that addition, Dave made a motion to accept the minutes
as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Claims were approved and paid.
Curt Engholm arrived at this point to give an update on
the cleanup progress on his property. He stated that he will be contacting Dave or Ginny to make arrangements to drop off
his recyclable materials.
Dave gave the road report. The second mowing has been completed
as well as maintenance on the tractor. A letter will be sent to 8750 50th Ave. notifying them to remove the wire
and posts in the right of way next to their driveway.
At the end of Sweet Road, there are four bags of garbage
and a case of beer bottles. It has the name and address of Mike and Brenda Ittner, 5500
Sweet Road SW. A letter will be sent advising them to remove their garbage and dispose of it properly.
A road approach at 5729 Gorron Road was put in by timber
haulers who were instructed to remove it when they were done. It has not been removed, so a letter will be sent to the property
owners instructed them to either remove it or submit the $50 permit fee and complete the approach to township specifications.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:10 p.m.