Regular Meeting - August 9, 2011

Regular Meeting                                                   August 9, 2011

Crow Wing Town Hall                                        6:00 p.m.


Board Members Present:  Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.


Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited. No gopher bounties were claimed.


K.T. and Cliff were present from North Central Speedway to ask about the possibility of holding a benefit concert at the track for a Little Falls family. They wanted to know what type of permit would be required and what sort of guidelines would need to be followed. The concert would be held on a Saturday night and it would not go beyond 11:00 p.m. which coincides with the usual operation of the track during the racing season. The board did not see a problem with this as a one-time event. They were asked to inform the board of the final details in advance and to advertise the event so that people in the community are aware of what to expect.


Mike and Arlene Brodeur were present to request a second entry onto Buffalo Creek Road from their property. The location does not appear to pose any sort of safety issue and the property has enough road frontage to justify a second entrance. No culvert is necessary. Greg made a motion to approve the second entry. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.


Curt Engholm was not present to discuss the progress of his cleanup. It was discussed that he has been informed that he can keep up to 50 tires, as long as they are sorted and organized. MPCA requires that a property owner have the title for any vehicles that are stored outside on their property. If no title is available and the property owner does not wish to obtain one, then the vehicle is considered to be junk. An inspection of the property by the board had been suggested for this evening. The item was tabled until later in the meeting in the hopes that Curt would arrive.


Brad related a discussion from the Planning Commission meeting regarding the billing of violation expenses to property owners. The township has a policy about such expenses, but definite dates and deadlines have not been established for most violations. Discussion followed. Complaints about the Tomberlin property are still being received frequently. Brad will be inspecting the property. A meeting will take place with Chris Pence from the county in regard to the Anthony violation. The county has been charging $100 per year for a business permit, but the junkyard is not registered with the state.  Greg will contact Darrel Olson about the Anthony property and about getting structures that are not on the tax rolls added.


Susie gave the treasurer’s report. The laptop is having issues and will soon need replacement. The printer is in for repair. Greg made a motion to replace the printer if necessary. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously. Claims were approved and paid.


Dave gave the road report. Cook Road has been repaired as well as most of the holes in the asphalt throughout the township. He will begin mowing around the 16th or 17th of this month. The entire right of way will be mowed wherever possible.


Curt Engholm did not show up as scheduled. It was decided that a letter should be written to him, listing some of the items that are required to be moved that appear to still be on the property, based on the view from the roadway. The items to be listed in the letter should include organization of remaining vehicles (lining up in one location) and proof of legal title for each one (if no title in possession vehicles must be removed or stored inside), elimination of all but 50 sorted and organized tires, removal of boats, snowmobiles, truck box full of discarded plastic sheeting and recyclables. This is not a complete list, but these are the items, at a minimum, that should be completed before inspection, which has been set for August 23rd at approximately 7:00 p.m. There has been extensive discussion of the debris that must be removed before the August 31st deadline.   It should also be mentioned that the mowing of the property and the organization done so far has improved the appearance and is appreciated.


The window in the office that was vandalized was discussed. It was decided that the glass should be replaced. It is a commercial grade insulated aluminum window. A quote should be obtained in advance.