Regular Meeting July 26, 2011
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta,
Supervisors Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.
Mark called the meeting to order and the
pledge to the flag was recited.
No gopher bounties were claimed.
Brad Arnold gave the planning and zoning
update. A permit has been requested for construction and an outdoor wood boiler at a Holmes Avenue residence which may have
an outside storage violation. An inspection date will be agreed upon with the property owner. A letter will be sent to Mike
Sullivan asking if he is satisfied with the cleanup progress on the Copa property and asking if he is still willing to help with the removal of insulation and other debris. Another complaint was received on
the Wade Tomberlin property. An inspection may be needed. Very little progress has been shown on the Anthony property. Justin
will be asked to pursue the septic system issue on the three trailer homes in the back. A second copy of the fence standards
has been sent to them. We anticipate that Curt Engholm will attend the August 9th meeting to set a date for inspection,
as was agreed at the last meeting. Dave suggested that we consider recessing the board meeting on the 9th and reconvening
at the site for the inspection. The attorney has been asked to change the August 29th hearing date to early, September,
since the deadline for the cleanup is August 31st. Richard Buersken informed Dave that he was not told when he
got his building permit that he should get an entry permit from the township. Brad will check with CGI to see if they are
including this information with permits as we have asked them to do.
Sheriff Dahl was present to offer an update.
He shared incident statistics from this township and from other areas in the county and answered various questions.
gave the road report. Gorron Road has been repaired at a cost of $2785.10. The first ditch mowing was completed for approximately
$820. Dave’s estimate is that the cost savings of using our own equipment will pay for the equipment in four years time,
at which point the tractor and mower will still be worth nearly what we paid for it. Dave asked if he should trim around mailboxes.
It was decided that we will wait until the annual meeting and ask if people want this service provided by the township. Dave was asked to trim around signs during the second cutting. More complaints have
been received regarding Neelan property on Wilson School Ave. These complaints state that their dog is being allowed to run
loose in the neighborhood doing considerable damage to gardens and yards. Another letter will be sent to the property owners
informing them that we have continued to receive complaints from neighbors, that
they are on our active violation list and will be charged for any future expenses the township incurs for inspecting or responding
to complaints. If not reimbursed for these expenses, the township will add them to the property taxes.
The minutes of the July 12th
meeting were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes with one minor correction.
The motion was seconded by Greg and carried by unanimous vote.
Payroll was approved and paid and
correspondence was reviewed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
by general consent.