Regular Meeting June
14, 2011
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors
Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
Ked Pederson presented 53 pair of gopher feet for bounty.
Robert Anthony Jr. was present to discuss the potential
violations on the Anthony property. The reports were reviewed. Robert said he will deal with the debris issue and will adequately
repair the fencing . He was asked about the additional homes on the property for which there appear to be no records on the
tax rolls or with planning and zoning. Robert said that the homes do have septic systems so we will need to check further
for records. He also indicated that his father pays for a junkyard license every
year in the amount of $100. He was asked to look for septic records and contact the installer if necessary and find out who the license fee is sent to every year. Ongoing communication will be important to get the situation
Chad Jillson was also present to discuss the outside
storage violation on his property and the items belonging to him that are on a neighboring property. He stated that there
is no septic system on the property, but that he had a plan for one at one time and the designer passed away. He asked where
he might be able to find a copy of the plan. He added that he could have the property cleaned up with a short time. Chad indicated
that no one lives on the property at this time and that he intends to put a septic system in by this fall. Mark made a motion
to authorize Dave and Brad to inspect the property and work out terms of a proposed agreement with Chad so that a jail sentence
can be avoided and so that he will have time to remove the debris from the property. They will call Chad to set up a time
for the inspection. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
George Burton was present to discuss the high water table
in the area surrounding Lone Oak Road. He stated that the water is higher than he has seen it before and it has not receded
like it normally would. There is a drainage ditch behind his property that the water should move through, but there are several
beaver dams that are preventing this and likely the cause of the pavement breakage on Lone Oak Road. George has found that
if the ditches are maintained by the county, then they should not be blocked. The county would need a letter from the township
requesting the ditch be cleared. Dave made a motion to send a letter to Tim Bray at the Crow Wing County Highway Department
requesting that the county clear ditch 14 because the beaver have it backed up 5 to 10 feet in height blocking the water and
causing damage to Lone Oak Road. The motion was seconded by Mark. Discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously.
Curt Engholm as present to discuss progress on the cleanup
of his property. He said that he lost a few days due to illness from a tick bite, but still plans to have the cleanup completed
by the agreed upon deadline in August.
Cal Boeder was present to ask about ditch mowing. He was
informed that the township bought a tractor and mower so will be handling this at the township level this year.
The minutes of the May 24th and May 31st meetings were reviewed. Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as written. The
motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.
Susie gave the treasurers report.
Dave gave the road report. He is in the process of getting
everything needed for the new retro-reflective signs. The board reviewed a permit request from MasTec on behalf of Qwest.
The permit has not been approved due to an outstanding bill to Qwest for damage to Forest Heights Road in May 2010. It has
been indicated by the local field manager for Qwest, that if we submit the bill locally rather than sending it to the corporate
office, it will be paid. Dave made a motion to approve the permit. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
Claims were approved and paid.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:35 p.m.