Reconvened Regular Meeting
May 31, 2011
Crow Wing Town Hall
6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta,
Supervisor Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and Treasurer Susan Goodew.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge
to the flag was recited.
Dave shared further information on tractors and
mowing equipment. The mower originally considered will not work for the steep ditches that we have in many areas, as it cannot
cut at an angle. The disc mower that will work would be better used with a tractor that has a cab as it could throw rocks
or other items toward the tractor. The 83 horse tractor with a cab, which is the 5083E model, is the least costly model of
its kind. Dave noted that this model will be more fuel efficient and has a tank that will also hold more fuel, reducing the
frequency of refills. The tractor will fit in the shed and Dave will check to make sure that the mower will not be too high
to clear the doorway when in the upright position. Using the state contract, the tractor cost is $36550, the model 265 disc
mower is $9400 and wheel weights in the amount of $300 would be a necessary addition. A broom and/or loader could be added
at a later time if needed. Dave had also looked into used equipment of the same type. He found that two year old tractors
of this type are selling for the same price and higher. It can be assumed that even if we decided to sell the equipment after
a few seasons, we would have a good chance at recovering the full amount due to the savings in using the state contract and
the high resale value. Dave made a motion to approve the purchase in the amount of $46,250. The motion was seconded by Mark
and passed unanimously. Ginny was asked to check with MAT to make sure that it is correct that if we used the state price
we do not need to get two different quotes.
Correspondence was reviewed and cemetery deeds
were signed.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.