Regular Meeting
May 10, 2011
Crow Wing Town Hall 6:00
Board Members Present: Chairman Mark Platta, Supervisors
Greg Smith and Dave Schultz and Clerk Virginia Rogers.
Mark called the meeting to order and the pledge to the
flag was recited.
No gopher bounties were claimed.
Curt Engholm was present to give an update on the cleanup
progress on his property. He is going to start bringing his recyclables over the town hall. Someone from the town board will
meet him to open up the roll off. Curt said that he is making progress on cleaning up and while he will most likely need all
the time before the August deadline, he is confident that he can get it done.
Greg made a motion to appoint Dan Lee to the Planning Commission
to complete the remainder of Cliff Carlson’s term. Mark made a motion to purchase a plaque to honor Cliff’s 20
years of service to the township. The motion was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously.
North Central Speedway requested board approval to renew
their 3.2 liquor license. Greg made a motion to approve the renewal. The motion was seconded by Dave and passed unanimously.
The minutes of the April 26th meeting were reviewed.
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes with one minor change. The motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous
Dave gave the road report. A letter will be sent to the
owner of 6810 Barrows Ave instructing them to remove the brush and debris from the road right of way. A letter will also be
sent to 6712 Wilson School Ave. informing them that they must remove the rocks they have rolled into the right of way. Greg
made a motion to spend up to $3000 to repair Gorron Road, to also do a test patch on Lone Oak Road and to spend up to $6000
to repair the section of Cook Road that needs it most at this point. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Dave was asked to get the quote for Cook Road in writing.
Claims were approved and paid.
The meeting adjourned by general consent at 8:25 p.m.