March 22, 2011 Regular Meeting
Crow Wing Township
Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 22,
2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Crow Wing Town Hall.
Present: Chairman
Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers, Treasurer Susan Goodew and those on the attached
Greg called the
meeting to order.
No gopher feet were
presented bounty.
Jerry and Natalie
Czech were present to ask for a reduction in the after the fact fee that has been applied to their permit for a mobile home.
Greg stated that we are not here to make money off permits, but that the ordinance does require a penalty when permits are
not obtained in advance. He said that it has been difficult to find anything in the ordinance that would allow the fee to
be waived. Mark added that no money has been received and the home has been on the property illegally since last fall. Jerry
said that he would be able to pay the $250 fee on April 5th and that he will be applying for another $250 permit
to build a shed. Dave said that the penalty can’t be waived since the Czechs did know they needed a permit and the home
has been there for months without one, but suggested that the fee could possibly be reduced. Greg added that we have to be
as consistent as we can. Jerry asked that the penalty be waived if he pays the $250 by April 5th. Dave suggested
charging $500 instead of $750 and allowing it to be made in payments. Greg made a motion to reduce the charge to $500, due
to the vast improvement that has been made to the property, with half due on April 5th and half on May 5th.
The motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.
Brad Arnold gave
the planning and zoning report. Mark made a motion to approve the Holton and Richards rezoning, following the recommendation
of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Greg and carried unanimously.
Several complaints
have been received about Robert Anthony property. One permit is on record for a home in 1993. The county assessor has stated
that at least two other homes on the property are being used as residences. MPCA will be contacted and we will continue to
look into whether or not it is a licensed junkyard.
Further complaints
have been received about the Wade Tomberlin property, including a report that Mr. Tomberlin is living on the property when
there is a permit for a non-residential shed only, that debris continues to be hauled in and that there are hazardous liquids
being dumped onto the ground and smoke that smells toxic comes from the property regularly. A letter will be written to Mr.
Tomberlin informing him of the complaints and the fact that since it has been more than 30 days since a violation has been
identified on his property, with no attempt to agree to a plan for cleanup, all future costs relating to this violation will
be billed to the property owner, according to township policy.
The Muhlenberg home
that is being constructed by Dave Peterson is still without a septic permit. Repeated attempts have been by the township made
to rectify this. The home owner, contractor and septic installer are now all aware of the situation, so it is assumed that
a permit will be obtained.
Mark shared information
regarding a large HUD grant that has been received by Region 5.
The reorganizational
items were addressed next. Dave Schultz was sworn in to a 3 year term as supervisor and Susie Goodew was sworn in to a 2 year
term as treasurer. Greg made a motion to appoint Mark Platta as Chairman for the year and himself as Vice Chair. The motion
was seconded by Dave and carried unanimously. Greg will continue serving on the Planning Commission, Mark will work most closely
with the cemetery and Dave will continue as Road Supervisor. Officer paperwork was completed and signed. It was determined
that the town depositories would continue to be Brainerd Savings & Loan, Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union and Mid-Minnesota
Federal Credit Union. The board approved the meeting schedule for the coming year, as it was presented at the Annual Meeting,
as well as the posting site designation. Greg made a motion to approve the following donations, requested by the people at
the Annual Meeting: $400 to the County
Fair Association, $300 to Lakes Area Pregnancy Services, $800 to the First Responders to be sent only if they indicate a need
during the year, $100 to the Legionville Camp, $250 to the County Historical Society, $100 to Crisis Line and $50 to the Memorial
Flag Committee for a total of $2000. The motion was seconded by Mark and passed unanimously.
Mark made a motion to leave all policies and fees as they were last year. The motion
was seconded by Greg and passed unanimously. Mark then made a motion to set the hourly fee for use of a personal ATV with
attachment on township roads at $15. The motion was seconded by Greg and carried with Dave abstaining.
Ginny was asked to see if the state has any new information for the AWAIR meeting and
to send a link to the board if it as available.
The road tour was set for April 9th at 8:00 a.m. and he AWAIR meeting for April
12th at 6:00 p.m.
Greg made a motion
to approve the March 1, 2011 minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.
The meeting adjourned by general consent
at 8:45 p.m.