February 8, 2011 Regular Meeting
The Crow Wing Township
Board of Supervisors held its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present:
Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers and those on the attached roster. Absent: Chairman Greg Smith
and Treasure Susan Goodew.
Mark called the
meeting to order. No gopher feet were presented for bounty.
Curt Engholm was
present to discuss the outside storage violation on his property. He stated that he has been removing debris over the past
year. Discussion followed concerning the fact that the property must be cleaned up by August 31, 2011. Various options for
how the township can assist with this project were discussed. A recycling roll-off was offered to be paid for out of the recycling
fund and provided either at his property or at the town hall to be filled with recyclables. Curt was asked to attend the Planning
Commission meeting on Monday evening. Brad Arnold noted the need for a schedule of what can be done on a month by month basis.
Brad gave the planning
and zoning report. The Town Board will plan to attend the Planning Commission Meeting on Monday to discuss various issues.
Dave gave the road
report. The bill from Dale’s Excavating was reviewed and the snow removal policy was discussed. There have been reports
that the plow blade is not down all the way and is leaving snow on the roadway. Dave mentioned some properties where the snow
is being pushed across the road and left in the right of way. Letters have been sent to the owners of 7083 Burr Lane and 7317
Lone Oak Rd regarding this.
The 2010 financial
reports were reviewed in preparation for the Audit and Budget meetings which are on the agenda for the February 22nd regular meeting. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 22, 2011
meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Mark and carried by unanimous vote.
A request from MPCA
to install a test well in the right of way of Division Street in Barrows was reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve this.
The motion was seconded by Mark and carried by unanimous vote.
Correspondence was
reviewed and claims were approved and paid.
The meeting adjourned
by general consent at 8:15 p.m.