February 22, 2011 Regular Meeting
The Crow Wing Township
Board of Supervisors held its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present:
Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers, Treasurer Susan Goodew and those on
the attached roster.
Greg called the
meeting to order.
No gopher feet were
presented bounty.
The agreement proposed
by the attorney in regard to Curt Engholm and his outside storage violation was unable to be completed due to the fact that
Curt does not own the property and therefore cannot enter into an agreement regarding it. He can, however, be held responsible
for the violation. His mother has been sent a letter asking for her consent to the agreement and Curt is expected at the next
meeting to work on a cleanup plan.
Greg made a motion
to move the $323.10 balance in the Road Bond Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund. The motion was seconded by Dave and carried
by unanimous vote. After reviewing the 2010 books Mark made a motion to approve, second by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.
After reviewing
the 2010 financial reports and discussing anticipated expenditures the budget for 2011 was set. It will be prepared and approved
at the next meeting along with the proposed 2012 levy..
The annual meeting
agenda was reviewed and report topics were assigned.
Mark made a motion
to approve the February 8, 2011 minutes as written with a change of one address in the road report to 7380 Burr Lane. The
motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.
The meeting adjourned
by general consent at 8:45 p.m.