March 1, 2011 Regular Meeting
The Crow Wing Township
Board of Supervisors held its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present:
Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers, Treasurer Susan Goodew and those on
the attached roster.
Greg called the
meeting to order. No gopher feet were presented for bounty.
Rural Intersection Lighting
Tim Bray, County
Highway Engineer was present to ask that the board consider a change of decision regarding lighting for the Business Highway
371/St. Mathias Road intersection. He said that the county will not install the lighting if the township doesn’t agree
to pay the monthly electric bill. He gave an overview of the program, which is in its second year, with nine lights installed
last year and fourteen proposed for this year. He shared that lighting does reduce the number of collisions, although this
particular intersection hasn’t seen a lot of crashes even though the traffic volume is high. Mark noted that this could
be partly due to the businesses on Brent Drive that have outside lighting, making the intersection more visible. The county
currently pays the power costs for some intersections, but in the future, they want to make sure that the local people cover
those costs. The installation would cost $3000, of which the county has received 90% in federal grant money. The county would
cover the rest with the township responsible for the $13 per month power cost. Dave asked if MN DOT would be participating,
since the intersection is with a state highway. Tim said they would not. Dave noted that the traffic is primarily from outside
the area due to the county/state road intersection. The supervisors decided that this topic will be presented to the people
at the annual meeting next week to get input and can be reconsidered by the board a the March 22nd regular meeting.
Brad asked Tim if he felt that a digital sign which Brainerd Overhead Door is looking to install would be a distraction at
this intersection. Tim stated that he thought it might be. Tim was informed that we have been waiting for a couple of months
for a revised bill from the highway department, as we were charged for items that we didn’t receive. He will look into
why we haven’t received one yet.
Curt Engholm was
not present and did not contact the board prior to the meeting. Discussion followed including the fact that he will still
be held liable for the outside storage violation regardless of whose name the property is in. Brad Arnold gave the Planning
and Zoning report, including an update on the Tomberlin property. It was noted that the Planning and Zoning fund has not been
zeroed out from 2010. Dave made a motion to transfer from the General Fund the amount needed to accomplish this. The motion
was seconded by Greg and carried by unanimous vote.
Dave gave the road
report. The need for a snow plowing policy was identified. Dave asked that this be discussed at the Reorganizational Meeting
later this month.
Susie gave the treasurers
report and it was decided that a new CD would not be opened, unless something with a shorter term and a higher interest rate
becomes available. Claims were reviewed and approved.
Dave made a motion
to approve the February 22, 2011 minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Greg and carried by unanimous vote.
The 2011 proposed
budget was reviewed. Greg made a motion to approve the budget as written. The motion was seconded by Mark and carried by unanimous
Greg made a motion
to request the following 2012 levy at the annual meeting:
General Fund $80,000
Fire Fund $40,000
Road and Bridge
Fund $130,000
Park Fund -0-
Total: $250,000
Correspondence was
reviewed and claims were paid.
The meeting adjourned
by general consent at 8:15 p.m.