11, 2011 Regular Meeting
The Crow Wing Township
Board of Supervisors held its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present:
Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisors Mark Platta and Dave Schultz, Clerk Virginia Rogers, Treasurer Susan Goodew and those on
the attached roster.
Greg called the
meeting to order. No gopher feet were presented bounty.
The agreement proposed
by the attorney in regard to the Engholm outside storage violation was considered. Mark made a motion to offer an agreement
that the property must be cleaned up by August 31, 2011. If cleanup is not complete, the jail sentence should be imposed and
the township will have full authority to clean up any debris stored outside the buildings with the cost of that cleanup less,
any proceeds from the salvage assessed to the property taxes. In addition to that, if the property is not cleaned up by the
deadlines, all township administrative costs, including attorney fees, will also be assessed to the property. Mr. Engholm
must meet with the Town Board on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 6:00 pm and every first meeting of the month thereafter on the
following dates: March 1, April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12 and August 9, 2011. He must also attend the February 14, 2011
meeting the township Planning Commission at 6:00 pm at the town hall. The purpose of the first meetings would be to develop
a cleanup plan and to discuss what the Township may be able to do to assist with this prior to the deadline. The other meetings are to update the board on the progress on a monthly basis and to set up
a time for someone to inspect the property. The motion was seconded by Greg and carried by unanimous vote. Greg shared the
contact information for Kenwood Enterprises as a possible contact for helping clean up this and other properties.
The request from
Jeff Henkensiefken for a partial refund of his land use permit fee was considered. Dave made a motion to approve the $50 refund
due to the fact that the permit was paid in full in advance, the square footage was reduced at a later date and the processing
fees did not exceed the $125 that would be left after the refund. The motion was seconded by Greg and carried by unanimous
The violation on
the Lippert property, being leased by Jerry and Natalie Czech was discussed. A trailer was moved onto the property without
a permit. Mr. Czech was aware that a permit was required. A permit application was sent in at a later date without a check
for the permit fee. The Planning Commission recommendation was to waive the after the fact fees and require the initial $250
fee. Greg made a motion to impose the after the fact fees in accordance with the ordinance, for a total of $750, due within
15 days. The decision was based on the fact that Mr. Czech was aware that a permit was required and a complete application
with the $250 fee was not submitted. The motion was seconded by Mark and carried by unanimous vote.
Chris Pence will
be invited to attend the February 14, 2011 Planning Commission meeting to discuss the current status of the County Planning
and Zoning Department.
11, 2011 Regular Meeting
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The Town Board will
also plan to attend that meeting. Greg made a motion to send out a postcard or newsletter to township property owners inviting
them to the Township Election and Annual Meeting on March 8th and providing as much information as will fit about
township activities and annual meeting topics. The motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.
Susie gave the treasurers
report. Mark asked for the current interest rates on our savings accounts and Susie provided these. The bill from the County
Highway Department was reviewed. It was determined that the stop signs and posts that were charged for should have been billed
to Ed Mattson for Sand Creek Plat. Susie will contact them about this and ask for a revised bill, which will be paid next
month. Other claims were approved and paid.
Greg made a motion
to approve the December 7, 2010 minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.
Dave gave the road
report. The request from the county to pay for the power to light the intersection at St. Mathias Road, Brent Drive and Business
Highway 371 was considered. Dave made a motion to decline the offer, which included the county paying for the installation
of the light, while the township would be responsible to pay the power cost for that light indefinitely, currently set at
$15 per month. The motion was seconded by Greg and carried by unanimous vote. Dave informed the board that the snow plow knocked
down two mailboxes on Sweet Road. They are possibly in the wrong location and may need to be moved 15 or 20 feet. The owners
were instructed to call Dale for replacement of the boxes. We will send them a letter in the spring asking that they move
the boxes and suggesting that they use breakaway posts, which are available from the county for $25.
Greg made a motion
to accept the county election coordination contract for 2011 in the amount of $300. The motion was seconded by Mark and carried
by unanimous vote.
Election judge appointments
were considered. There were five judges able and willing to serve and only two were needed, so names were drawn. Greg made
a motion to appoint Linda Schuety and June Hunter to serve on March 8th for the township election. The motion was
seconded by Mark and carried by unanimous vote.
It was decided that
the Audit Meeting and Budget Meeting will be placed on the agenda of the February 22nd meeting. The Reorganizational
Meeting will be on the agenda as part of the March 22nd regular meeting. Mark and Dave will attend the Fire Advisory
Board Meeting on February 17th.
Greg made a motion
to adjourn at 8:30 pm. The motion was seconded by Dave and carried by unanimous vote.