Board Members Present: Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Paul Stephany, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Brad Arnold asked that a discussion about playground equipment be added. Tucker made a motion to approve the agenda as
amended. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business a request for a speed study on CR 123 was discussed. Residents Dave Meyer, Jeff Auel and Rick and
Linda Norby were present to support the request. There have been numerous near-misses between pedestrians and vehicles speeding
on the road. Dogs have been struck and killed while being walked on the road. Linda Norby read a statement about the problems
with the traffic on CR 123 and it was given to the clerk. A traffic count would be done along with the speed study. Rob
Hall, Assistant County Engineer, said that CR 153 (Greenwood Street) would also be included in the speed study. Doug made
a motion to send a letter of support to the Crow Wing County Highway Department asking that MNDOT conduct a speed study on
CR 123. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A shared maintenance agreement with Fort Ripley Township for 40th Avenue and Joshua Lane was discussed. Tucker recommended
that the agreement have the same language as the agreement with St. Mathias Township relating to which years Crow Wing Township
is responsible for the maintenance. Paul made a motion to send Fort Ripley Township a proposed Shared Maintenance Agreement
for their approval. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Unfinished Business, the Sheriff Office radar sign placement was discussed. Tucker talked to the Sheriff's Office
and told them there is a speed limit sign on 50th Avenue that can be used to mount the radar sign. A speed limit sign would
need to be installed half-way through Catherine's Way for the radar sign to be used there. After discussion, Doug made a
motion to install two speed limit signs on Catherine's Way. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
No new information has been received from KLD or Tom Feierabend on the township taking over Lone Oak Circle. Tucker has
received answers to the questions raised about having Brad Miller design and maintain the township website. He would post
the minutes, agendas, public notices and any announcements on the website. He has designed and is maintaining about 80 websites
in the area including Bay Lake and Irondale Townships. There have been no capacity issues with any of his current customers.
It typically takes 30-40 days to build a website. The old website remains active until the new one is ready to go online.
Doug made a motion to have Brad Miller design a new website for the township. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Brad talked about the Chad Jillson violation. The issue with items on the Tower Property has been resolved. The property
with the back road to the Tower Property that was used to bring in items now has a house on it and is no longer open. There
is nothing new on the other violations. The Town Hall Street residence with the landscaping boulders on it was discussed.
Brad thought that the number of boulders has been reduced. The equipment that is there is allowed to be on the property.
There is a large brush pile on the property. Tucker said that the original letter to Mr. Deason had a six week time limit
to clean it up. Brad said it is better than it was and he will continue to monitor it. Amanda Peterson is at the town hall
each Wednesday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM to meet with people about permitting and other land use issues. The number of permits
this year is similar to past years.
Brad has talked to the CentraCare Facilities Director about the playground equipment they will donate to the township.
The workers that took it apart are willing to come to the township and help put it back together. Brad would donate vehicles
to get the playground equipment here. Approximate cost for the workers, fuel, cement, rock, and misc. items is estimated
to be $4,500. New cost for the equipment was $33,000 two years ago. Tucker made a motion that the township pay to get the
playground equipment installed with the amount not to exceed $5,000. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Gerry brought up that the parking lot at the park is getting torn up by 4-wheelers. There was discussion about putting
up a camera to catch the perpetrators. The Sheriff Department could then be given the video for prosecuting the individuals.
The clerk will contact the Sheriff Department about increasing patrols of the area. They also drive around the fence to get
to trails behind the park. Tucker made a motion to install more fencing behind the town hall and corner of the park. Paul
seconded, motion passed 3-0. There is an open area between the BMX Track and park. It has been used for people at the BMX
track to park at the parking lot and walk to the BMX track. Tucker made a motion to have the BMX track put a gate in the
opening between the park and BMX track. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0. Sue brought up that the yearly lease for the BMX
track hasn't been paid lately. The clerk will contact them about the lease.
Brad suggested that the Town Board get an estimate to pave the parking lot. Doug will look into that. Paul asked if
the park could be better promoted. A newsletter with the park information should be considered. Tucker said that another
newsletter about the township would be a good idea. Randy asked about the trailer parked in the right-of-way on Barrows Avenue
near the intersection with Wels Avenue. Doug said the property has been sold and the trailer should be gone soon.
Payroll was reviewed and approved. The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1553-1569 were reviewed and approved. Sue
said that the change from Brainerd Savings and Loan to Wings Financial has had some problems. She had to change the checking
account to a Money Market account to get better interest. Wings Financial will no longer send copies of cleared checks with
the monthly statement. The annual audit has been done using check copies as proof of proper payments. Wings could provide
copies at a cost or Sue could set up an online account and print each check individually. Tucker made a motion to let Sue
determine if the service fee for having Wings Financial print cleared check copies is reasonable and decide whether or not
to have them do it. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0. The other issue is the NCUA Federal Deposit Insurance guarantee is
up to a maximum of $250,000. After discussion, Tucker made a motion to allow the Treasurer to transfer funds to other accounts
as necessary to stay under the maximum balance of $250,000. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug gave the Road Report. A hydraulic hose broke on the tractor and was replaced. Mowing would have been done today
but the large bolts on the mower blades sheared off and will need to be replaced. There are more potholes to be filled and
Doug will get more patch material. Brad said that the sink holes on 50th Avenue are getting bigger. There is more shouldering
that needs to be done, and downed trees have been cleaned up. Gerry said a chevron sign on the curve of 50th Avenue by Wild
Rice Depot is down. The stop sign at Remington Way and Town Hall Street is down. Remington Way is a private road but Brad
said the stop sign is in the township right-of-way. Doug has not been able to connect with Mike House about repairs to ATV
damaged areas and the shoulders on Cook Road. Brad said that an Erosion Control Seed Mat is what has been used for shoulders
in the past. Gerry asked that Doug put some class 5 on Wetherbee Road where 4-wheelers have damaged the shoulders. Brad
is still working on getting an estimate from Anderson Brothers for Gorron Road.
Gerry said that there is a monument at the cemetery that was damaged last winter. Doug said the family has contacted
someone to have it repaired.
Under communications the following were reviewed: MnDOT Survey request; second quarter Brainerd Fire Department incidents;
and a letter for the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast.
Keith Binsfield has reserved the park for 7/21/2021. Gerry asked about having the Porta Potty at the park pumped out.
Brad said the current Porta Potty has been there for years and the business is no longer around. Tucker asked Gerry to try
to find someone to replace the current Porta Potty.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the June 8, 2021 regular meeting minutes as written, seconded by Paul. Motion passed
Tucker made a motion to adjourn. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.