Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
May 10, 2021 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Justin Burslie (Former Planning and Zoning Administrator),
Amanda Peterson (Planning and Zoning Administrator), Tucker Schuety (Township Supervisor) & Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There were two public hearings. The first was the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update. Applicant was Crow Wing Township.
Justin gave an overview of the updated Comprehensive Plan. After a year and a half of work this is the final version. The
revision includes corrections and map updates to the previous plan. Nobody on the Planning Commission had any new comments
about the revised plan. There were no public comments either. Linda made a motion to recommend the Town Board adopt the
2021 Comprehensive Plan. Dan seconded, motion passed 4-0.
The second public hearing was for Ordinance Amendment 01-2021 Regarding Off-Premise Signs. Applicant was Crow Wing Township.
Justin said the amendment will not allow any new off-premise signs in the township and strike language in sections 10.3 Land
Use Table and 40.7 Off-Premise Sign General Provisions in the Land Use Ordinance. Tucker made a motion to recommend the Town
Board adopt Ordinance No. 01-2021 Amending the Crow Wing Township Land Use Ordinance Regarding Off-Premise Signs. Dan seconded,
motion passed 4-0. A Publication Summary of the Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance Amendment will also need to be approved
by the Town Board.
There were no Additions or Deletions to the Agenda.
Open Forum-nothing.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 12, 2021 meeting as written. Linda seconded, motion passed 4-0.
Under New Business a question from Dan Holmes about the possible rezoning of property just west of North Central Speedway
was discussed. It is currently zoned Agricultural/Forestry. Brad asked about access to the property because MNDOT regulates
access from Business 371. Brad stated that the property is not well suited to residential use and could be better suited
to commercial activity. Other discussion was that other property adjacent to and across the highway is zoned commercial.
The Planning Commission vacancy was discussed. The Planning Commission recommended that a notice about the vacancy be
posted on the website and posted at the Town Hall and Wild Rice Depot. Brad has talked to Chad Knudson about installing a
bulletin board for township notice posting and Chad has said he will be putting one up. The Brainerd Dispatch is the legal
paper for township notices and the Planning Commission recommended a notice be placed in the Brainerd Dispatch also.
There was discussion about reinstating the Planning and Zoning Administrator office hours at the town hall. Justin and
Amanda will begin the Wednesday office hours from 1 PM to 3 PM at the Town Hall on May 19th and continue each Wednesday thereafter.
Under Old Business the Citizen Complaint about commercial activity at 11171 Town Hall Street was discussed. The owner
is relocating his business to TH 25 near Harding. Justin talked to him about having a home business in the township. He
is able to have a dump truck, trailer and skid steer at his residence and he is removing the boulders from the property.
The unpermitted structure at 6850 Wels Avenue was discussed. Amanda said she received a permit from Mr. Anderson and
it has been approved. He is working to get the septic system approved and installed. Carol asked if Justin had talked to
the person who purchased the lot next to Carol's garage on Heron Street. Justin said he was told that Carol was going to
purchase the lot from him.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed. Justin has received 10 permits so far this year and there
have been a number of inquiries received from people about new construction in the township.
Dan asked if a permit has been received for a new building at 8859 Wetherbee Road. Amanda will check on it.
There was no Town Board Correspondence to review.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 6:53 PM.