Board Members Present: Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Paul Stephany, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were 412 gopher bounties from Tom Mertens.
There was no New Business.
Under Public Comments George Burton was present to request that Lone Oak Road be closed for a fireworks display on August
14th from 9:15 PM to 9:45 PM. Doug made a motion to close Lone Oak Road from address 7801-7804 on August 14, 2020 from 9:15
PM to 9:45 PM. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Unfinished Business no new information has been received from KLD on the township taking over Lone Oak Circle.
Tucker contacted Brad Miller who is taking care of the Bay Lake Township website. He would charge $500 to set up the website
and a $75 monthly fee thereafter. He would post the minutes, agendas, public notices and any announcements on the website.
Paul asked if there was a limit to the amount of storage and who else he has done websites for. Brad said that some type
of agreement would be required that would answer those questions. Tucker will follow up with Mr. Miller about these questions.
There is nothing new to report on the current property violations. The Town Hall Street residence with the landscaping
boulders now has a large brush pile. Brad thought that the number of boulders has been reduced. Brad will visit with Amanda
from Sourcewell about the new complaint received and suggest another letter be sent to the property owner. Brad will also
discuss the Estate Circle complaint with Amanda to get a letter sent out.
Brad said that the cost to print the updated Comprehensive Plan is between $115 and $135 per copy. After discussion it
was decided that six printed copies would be enough as well as an electronic version. Doug made a motion to get six printed
copies of the updated Comprehensive Plan from Sourcewell. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Brad also brought up that Michels Underground Utiliites didn't get a permit to do the work on Wetherbee Road. The damage
to the right-of-way they did has been fixed. Brad also questioned why the township is paying the electrical costs for the
street light at County Road 21 (St. Mathias Road). When the streetlight was installed, there was an agreement that the township
would pay the electrical costs and the county would pay for installation. The bulletin board has not yet been installed at
Wild Rice Depot.
Randy Powers said the flagpole at the cemetery is very rusty at the bottom. He noticed it when he put the flags up for
Memorial Day. Doug will take a look at the flagpole to see what needs to be done to fix or replace it.
Payroll was reviewed and approved. The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1535-1552 were reviewed and approved.
Doug gave the Road Report. He has been patching potholes and will continue working on that. Mattresses and a chair in
the right-of-way were picked up on Cook Road. Some of the trash on Cook Road had a name on it and the Sheriff Department
contacted the individual to clean it up. Doug contacted David Blair about removing beavers along Wetherbee Road. Doug has
not been able to connect with Mike House about repairs to ATV damaged areas and the shoulders on Cook Road. Doug will contact
Dales Excavating about the culvert extensions that still need to be installed on 50th Avenue. Crackfilling township roads
was discussed. Newly paved roads will be routed and filled within two years of paving. The plan for crackfilling the rest
of the township roads will be discussed at the August Town Board meeting.
Under Communications an email from Captain Andy Galles of the County Sheriff Department was discussed. There is a question
about not having speed limit signs on 50th Avenue and Catherine's Way for mounting the solar-powered speed sign. Tucker will
contact Andy about the questions so that the solar-powered speed sign can be installed. Minnesota Association of Townships
membership cards were handed out to the township officers. A request to the county asking for a street sign on a private
road in the township was reviewed. A resident's question about broadband access improvements in the township was discussed.
A notice from Crow Wing County about the Federal Stimulus Funds that are available to the township was reviewed. A solicitation
from Town Web Design in Madison Wisconsin for website design was reviewed.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the May 11, 2021 regular meeting minutes as written, seconded by Tucker. Motion
passed 3-0.
Paul made a motion to adjourn, Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.