Regular Meeting-April 13, 2021


Board Members Present: Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Paul Stephany, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.

Tucker called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The Annual AWAIR Training was held at 5:30 PM with the township employees, planning commission members and town board members present as per the attached roster. Tucker shared a review of the purpose of the workplace accident and injury reduction program with those present by reading aloud the important points, details, & instructions pertaining to the employees. Topics such as workplace safety, hazardous materials, accident/injury related information, etc. was covered. Contact information for all Town Board members is on the township website. The first aid kits should be checked be sure they are up to date. Safety vests are in the township truck and in the storage shed. The board welcomed feedback & suggestions for improvement from those present. The AWAIR meeting adjourned at 5:47 pm.

Tucker called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Tucker made a motion to approve the agenda. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.

There were no gopher bounties.

Under New Business Cliff Sasker from North Central Speedway was present for their beer license renewal. A motion to approve the beer license for North Central Speedway was made by Doug, seconded by Tucker. Motion passed 3-0.

Chad Knudson from Wild Rice Depot was present for their liquor license renewal. A motion to approve the liquor license for Wild Rice Liquors was made by Tucker, seconded by Doug. Motion passed 3-0.

A Citizen Complaint about a commercial business operating at 11149 Town Hall Street was reviewed. Brad said the complaint was discussed at Monday's Planning Commission meeting. It appears that the owner has a boulder supply business and there are a large number of boulders at his residence along with some heavy equipment. Justin will send a letter to the owner about the complaint asking that he clarify what is going on. The Planning Commission will decide if further action is required.

Under Unfinished Business Brad said that Tom Feierabend was going to talk to Jim Kraemer from KLD about the items needed by the township before Lone Oak Circle will become a town road. Nothing has been received yet.

Doug said that he and Sue have looked at other township websites and are contacting Bay Lake Township to get information about their website.

Brad received a call from Wade Tomberlin's neighbor and he will respond to the neighbor about his concerns. The Chad Jillson property still needs more work done and with the new home by the snowmobile trail it appears that there is not any more stuff being brought in. There is nothing new with the other property violations.

Under Planning Commission Report Brad said he has talked to Chad Knudsen about posting Township Notices at Wild Rice Depot and Chad will provide a space for that. The final draft of the Township Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed and some suggested changes made. The public hearing is scheduled for the next Planning Commission meeting on May 10, 2021. The Planning Commission is short one person and Brad has a few names that he will contact to see if there is someone interested in joining. Justin is planning to start up office hours at the town hall in May.

Brad said that the Sourcewell Contract will expire on May 14, 2021. The new contract raised the hourly rate from $50 to $55 and no longer has and end date. Either party may cancel the contract with a 60 day notice to the other party. Doug made a motion to approve the Sourcewell Contract. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.

The two Wels Avenue properties that have been brought to the Planning Commission about unpermitted structures have been sent letters and given deadlines to apply for the appropriate permits. Brad said that Sourcewell may have funds available for an information kiosk in the township. There was discussion about a location and Brad will get more information about the funding.

The Planning Commission discussed making a change to the off-site signage language in the Ordinance. MNDOT will not allow any billboards on TH-371 in the township and the ordinance does not follow that language. Any amendment requires a public hearing and if possible it could be done at the same time as the Comprehensive Plan update. The Planning Commission recommended that the Town Board disallow billboards in the township. After discussion Doug made a motion to change the Ordinance to not allow billboards within the township. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.

Under Public Comments Gerry Schuety said he had cleaned up the dirt piles left from the removal of the recycling dumpsters and will take out the office wall in the shed to make more room for the lawn mower. He also said there are deep holes below the swings at the park. Brad asked CentraCare in St. Cloud about getting a plan for the playground equipment that they are donating to the township so a place can be prepared for the equipment. When he receives the information a spot will be prepared. Randy Powers said that the pavement is breaking off where River Way meets Town Hall Street and should be repaired. Doug will take care of it when he can get some material. Dan said that there is a deep washout near the Wild Rice Depot entrance where Michels Underground installed utilities.

Payroll was reviewed and approved.

The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1508-1514 were reviewed and approved. Sue suggested that she should receive some training about the clerk's duties so she could be considered the Deputy Clerk and be able to step in should the Clerk be unable to perform his duties. Tucker made a motion for Sue to be trained in as Deputy Clerk. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.

Doug gave the Road Report. He completed the street sweeping in Barrows before the sweeper broke down. Potholes will be filled when patch material becomes available. Trees were moved off the right-of-way.

Under Communications letters of thanks were received from Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center, Crow Wing County Historical Society, and Crisis Line and Referral Service. A notice from Crow Wing County Land Services about the sale of tax forfeited property in the township was reviewed. The annual MATIT insurance bill and listing of property and equipment was reviewed.

Under Administrative Business Tucker made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-01, authorizing Doug Kern to work with the cemetery for the next year. Paul seconded, motion passed 2-0, Doug abstaining. Tucker made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-02, authorizing Doug Kern to work with the roads for the next year. Paul seconded, motion passed 2-0, Doug abstaining.

Under Announcements the Road Tour will be on April 17, 2021 at 9:00 am beginning at the Town Hall. The Board of Equalization meeting will be held at 10:00 am on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at the town hall. Doug and Paul are trained and will attend the meeting.

A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the March 23, 2021 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Paul. Motion passed 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm.

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