Planning Commission Meeting-April 12, 2021

Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
April 12, 2021 6:00 PM

Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Justin Burslie (Planning and Zoning Administrator), Tucker Schuety (Township Supervisor) & Duane Ruona (Township clerk).

Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There were no public hearings.

Additions or Deletions to the Agenda. Brad added discussion about a tree planting question he received and possible construction near Red River Trail in the SW corner of the township.

Open Forum-nothing.

Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 8, 2021 meeting as written. Dan seconded, motion passed 4-0.

Under New Business a potential commercial storage project by Troy Okerlund was discussed. He is interested in purchasing two parcels in the township, one is 4.5 acres on TH-371 and the other is 10 acres on Business 371. He plans to have outside boat and RV storage as well as garages for rent. After discussion Justin said there is a 120 foot setback from the TH-371 right-of-way. Mr. Okerlund thought that the setback requirement might reduce the buildable space too much. Brad said that the setback question has been raised by others along TH-371 and there have not been any changes allowed. Screening would also be required where the property abuts residential property. Mr. Okerlund thanked the Planning Commission for the information and he will need to decide whether or not to proceed.

Jacob Anderson was present to discuss the property at 6850 Wels Avenue. Correspondence has been sent to Jennifer and Tiffany Schuety, listed owner, about the required permit for the manufactured home on the property. The manufactured home needs to be 55 feet from the centerline of Wels Avenue, an application for a land use permit application needs to be submitted, and an inspection of the existing septic system or submission of a design for a new septic system needs to be completed. Mr. Anderson said the home is 55 feet from the centerline of Wels Avenue, he has the permit application with him, and is getting a new septic system designed and built. Mr. Anderson paid the permit fee. Brad asked that a septic design approval be done in two weeks and the new septic system completed in a month. Mr. Anderson also asked about building a garage on the property. A maximum of 35% impervious surface is allowed and he will need to calculate what is available for a garage. Building setbacks will also need to be considered.

The Citizen Complaint about commercial activity at 11171 Town Hall Street was discussed. It appears there are at least 40 dump truck loads of boulders on the property as well as a dump truck, trailer and skid steer. Load restrictions on township roads are in effect also and there was a concern about overweight loads coming to the property. The property owner is Cary Deason, who also owns Brainerd Boulder Supply. Justin will send a letter to Mr. Deason asking about the activity on the property.

A permit has been received from Troy Hanson for the structure at 6818 Wels Avenue. Brad received a call asking about planting trees in the township. He told the caller that trees are allowed to be planted as long as they are not in any road right-of-way and do not interfere with an intersection sight line. He also had a question about building a duplex near Red River Trail and 40th Avenue. Anything west of 40th Avenue is in Fort Ripley Township. Brad told the caller to contact Justin about any questions. Brad has two people to talk to about replacing Paul's position on the Planning Commission.

Justin said that Sourcewell has hired Amanda Peterson to replace Nate, but another planner has left so they are still one person short. Wednesday office hours at the Town Hall may start in mid-May. The Sourcewell Contract will expire on May 14, 2021. The new contract will raise the hourly rate from $50 to $55 and no longer has an end date. Either party may cancel the contract with a 60 day notice to the other party. Dan made a motion to recommend the Town Board approve the new Sourcewell Contract. Linda seconded, motion passed 4-0.

Carol asked Justin if the person who bought the tax-forfeited lot next to her garage had contacted him about permitting the camper that he placed on the lot. Justin said he has not been contacted yet. A question was asked if there was a permit for the addition to the mobile home across from Josh Neelan. Nothing has been received.

The final draft of the Comprehensive Plan was discussed. Tucker mentioned that there was a spelling error on the Groundwater Vulnerability map title. It was suggested that the pictures on the front of the plan showing 4-wheelers and commercial property should be included elsewhere. A public hearing is required and could be done in May. Most of the changes are updates to statistics, fixing errors, and include some new information since the last plan was printed. Justin will publish the meeting notice in the Brainerd Dispatch and it will also be posted at the Town Hall and on the township website.

The Planning and Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed. Justin has received 8 permits so far this year. There was discussion about making a change to the off-site signage language in the Land Use Ordinance. MNDOT will not allow any billboards on TH-371 in the township and the township's current ordinance does not follow that language. Any amendment to the ordinance requires a public hearing and if possible it could be done at the same public hearing as the Comprehensive Plan update. After discussion, Linda made a motion to recommend the Town Board change the Land Use Ordinance to not allow off-site signage within the township. Dan seconded, motion passed 4-0.

There was no Town Board Correspondence to review.

Tucker made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:34 PM.

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