Board Members Present: Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Paul Stephany, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Paul Stephany and Treasurer Sue Kern were sworn in.
Tucker made a motion to approve the agenda with additions for discussion by Brad Arnold on 60th Street and 70th Avenue
and discussion by Doug on Lone Oak Drive. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Elect chair and vice chair. After discussion, Doug made a motion to elect Tucker chairman of the Town Board for this
year, Paul seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Tucker made a motion to elect Doug vice-chairman. Paul seconded, motion passed
Donations recommended during the annual meeting were discussed. Paul made a motion to approve donations of $1,500 to
Zone One First Responders; $1,500 to the Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center; $500 to Crisis Line and Referral; $500 to Crow
Wing County Fair Association; and $250 to the Crow Wing County Historical Society as approved at the annual meeting. Tucker
seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
Under Unfinished Business the Minnesota Benefit Association Life Insurance annual renewal statement was discussed. The
annual premium of $405.00 is for a $5,000 Life Insurance benefit for current township officers. After discussion Tucker made
a motion to approve the MBA Life Insurance billing for current township officers, removing Greg Smith and adding Paul Stephany
to the plan. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A revised Shared Maintenance Agreement for 60th Street was received from St. Mathias Township. The only change was to
start each year of the agreement on April 1st instead of January 1st so snow plowing should be done by one township for the
entire season. St, Mathias will handle maintenance beginning April 1st of odd numbered years and Crow Wing Township will
handle maintenance beginning April 1st of even numbered years. Tucker made a motion to agree to the Shared Maintenance Agreement
for 60th Street with St. Mathias Township. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Tom Feierabend was present to discuss the township taking over Lone Oak Circle. He asked why the road has not been taken
over yet. Tom said he talked to Jim Kraemer last September about getting the necessary documents to the township but nothing
has been received yet. Tom said he will talk to Jim Kraemer again about getting the information submitted.
Tom also asked about the Township's interest in Lone Oak Drive. He has maintained Lone Oak Drive from Stone Ridge Drive
to the end of the road where his home was located. When the plat was done, there was an easement for a road in case of future
development. Tucker had the county make a map of township roads last year and the map shows Lone Oak Drive as a private road.
The township has not maintained the road and until the property is developed and houses built the township will not take over
the road. Tucker received a call about putting up a stop sign at Lone Oak Circle and Stone Ridge Drive. Tom agreed that
a stop sign should be at Lone Oak Drive as well as Lone Oak Circle.
No new information has been received on the township website.
Brad said he has looked at the Chad Jillson property and it appears that Chad has moved items from the back of the property
to the front of the property. The Wade Tomberlin property has been cleaned up a lot and the dispute between Wade and Robin
Wachsmuth is a civil matter and not a township issue. The two Wels Avenue properties that have been brought to the Planning
Commission about unpermitted structures have been sent letters and given deadlines to apply for the appropriate permits.
A request about a conditional use permit to install a billboard on property zoned Commercial along TH 371 was brought
to the last Planning Commission meeting. Since then, Brad contacted MNDOT and found out that the state will not allow any
new billboards along the TH 371 scenic corridor. The township ordinance will need to be amended to align with the state restriction.
The final draft of the Comprehensive Plan is being reviewed and a public hearing will be scheduled before it is adopted.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1487-1507 were reviewed and approved. A corrected Cash Control Statement for
February was also presented.
Doug gave the Road Report. A call was received about the shoulders at the end of Town Hall Street being torn up by the
snow plow this winter. The field approach at the end of Wetherbee Road where the snow plow turns around will need to be repaired
also because of the plow digging up the gravel. Doug will pick up patch material for potholes when it becomes available.
Sweeping of township roads will need to begin soon.
Under Communications a letter from Crow Wing County about the Federal Stimulus Funds for Townships was reviewed. The
Fire Service Billing and Assessment from the City of Brainerd was reviewed. The 2022 assessment is an increase of $1,361.52
over 2021. A letter from Brainerd Public Utilities about their Wellhead Protection Program was reviewed.
Under Administrative Business the annual reorganizational items were reviewed. Doug made a motion to appoint Tucker to
the Planning Commission; Doug as Road Supervisor and as Cemetery Actuary; and Paul to the Fire Advisory Board. Tucker seconded,
motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the town depositories the same: Crow Wing Power, Brainerd Savings and Loan and Mid Minnesota
Federal Credit Union. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Paul made a motion to continue with the two designated posting sites: Town Hall as the official site and on the Crow Wing
Township website with required special notices printed in the Brainerd Dispatch. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Tucker made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as printed and presented at the annual meeting. Doug seconded, motion
passed 3-0.
Tucker made a motion to keep the Beaver Bounty $40 and the Gopher Bounty $2.00. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Tucker made a motion to keep the Use of Personal Equipment at $15 per hour, with a minimum of $15 and Use of Personal
Skidsteer at $40 per hour, with a minimum of $40. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Tucker made a motion to keep the AWAIR Meeting Rate at $25. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the Annual Meeting Moderator pay at $25. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Tucker made a motion to keep the Cemetery Actuary at $25/per job. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the Hourly Employment rate at $20 per hour. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the Lawn Mowing, Handyman, and Cleaning Person rate at $20 per hour. Paul seconded, motion
passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the wages for Supervisors at $65/month and $100 per meeting. Tucker seconded, motion passed
Tucker made a motion to keep the wages for the Treasurer at $350/month and $100 per meeting. Paul seconded, motion passed
Paul made a motion to keep the wages for the Clerk at $900/month and $100 per meeting. Tucker seconded, motion passed
Tucker made a motion to keep the pay for Planning Commission Chair at $60 per meeting and Members at $50 per meeting.
Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the Inspection Fee for P&Z Violations at $50 plus mileage for each Planning Commission
member present. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to raise the wages for Election Head Judges to $18 per hour and keep it $13 per hour for other judges
(includes township employees). Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Tucker made a motion to keep the fee for Notary Stamp free at meetings. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the fee for Title Searches free unless a mailed response is requested, then a $25 fee will
be charged. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the fee for Entry Permits at $50. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion for Photocopies: first 10 pages free, $0.25 per page thereafter. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion for Town Hall and Park Rental to be $30 for residents, $60 for non-residents with a deposit $250.
Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
After discussion Doug made a motion to set the AWAIR Training for April 13, 2021 at 5:30 pm at the town hall before the
regular Town Board meeting. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Discussion about the Road Tour resulted in Doug making a motion to have the Road Tour on April 17, 2021 at 9:00 am beginning
at the Town Hall with an alternate date of April 24, 2021. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Announcements the MAT Spring Short Courses from March 22 through April 1, 2021 were discussed. The courses are
all available online this year. Tucker made a motion that any Town Board member be allowed to take online MAT training with
registration fees reimbursed and time spent taking courses be paid at $20.00 per hour. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2021 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Tucker.
Motion passed 3-0. The Annual Meeting minutes were reviewed. Tucker made a motion to have the clerk post the minutes on
the website. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.