Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
March 8, 2021 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Justin Burslie (Planning and Zoning Administrator),
Tucker Schuety (Township Supervisor) & Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There were no public hearings.
There were no Additions or Deletions to the Agenda.
Open Forum-nothing.
Under New Business a potential off-site sign request was discussed. Jim Kraemer and Brett Anderson were present to talk
about installing a billboard on the Joel Brott property just north of Safari North at 8577 State Highway 371. The property
is zoned commercial and off-site signs are permitted with a conditional use permit. The proposed sign would be 325 feet from
the nearest residence and a 500 foot distance is required by ordinance. A variance would be required and the owners of the
residence have given their approval to the sign being less than 500 feet from their residence. The proposed sign would not
be digital but would be illuminated. Jim Kraemer said that MNDOT had some restrictions about access roads on TH 371 but the
billboard would be the township's decision. No decision by the Planning Commission can be made until the Variance and Conditional
Use Applications are presented. Brad stated that the county and state should be contacted to be sure there are no other restrictions
to the off-site sign being proposed.
Under Old Business the unpermitted structures at 6818 Wels Avenue was discussed. Troy Hanson was present to discuss the
situation. It appears that someone has been living on the property without any water or sewer installed. Mr. Hanson said
that the licensed camper on the property is only used during the daytime but he leaves a light on all night for security purposes.
There is an unlicensed bus on the property that is used for storage of building materials. There are also two sheds on the
property. Mr. Hanson is getting the property ready to begin building a home. He is not ready to start building yet because
there are still ownership issues to be finalized. Justin said that in the past a camper has been considered a dwelling with
well and septic required if anyone is living in it. Mr. Hanson said he would get permits for the accessory structures. Justin
said he would need to get the permits within three weeks and Mr. Hanson said he would.
Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 8, 2021 meeting as written. Dan seconded, motion passed 4-0.
The violation at 6850 Wels Avenue was discussed. Tiffany Schuety is the property owner and there is a mobile home on
the property. A letter was sent about two weeks ago asking for her to get a permit for the mobile home. Justin spoke to
Ms. Schuety asking her to apply for the permit. There has not been a response to date. Dan asked if the mobile home was
set back far enough from the road right-of-way. Justin will send another letter giving them a deadline of two weeks to get
a permit.
The Comprehensive Plan Review was discussed. Justin provided copies of the final draft of the text before it is put into
the graphic document. There were only three acronyms in the document that are spelled out so a separate table is not required.
Tucker asked about the statement in Goal 7 on page 13 that states there will be bi-annual cleanup days. The next goal stating
the township will help offset the financial burden of recycling and cleanup could be combined with the last goal that the
township will partner with the county and other groups to clean up problem properties. Brad suggested that the issue of management
of underutilized public Lands on Page 10 should state that the state and county control those lands and not the township.
On page 16 Goal 2 the issue of signage for areas open to hunting has been addressed by the county. On Goal 3 there were items
about signage, parking and regulation of public lands that have already been addressed by the county and should be removed.
Justin will make changes and get a final copy for review to the Planning Commission before the next meeting and Town Board
for their March 23rd meeting.
Brad brought up the question of a state moratorium on billboards on TH 371. Justin found a county ordinance from July
25, 1995 that placed a limit on off premise advertising signs along local and state highways stating there be no net gain
in the number of signs existing or pending on that date. Brad will contact the state and county about their billboard ordinances
that would affect the township allowing any new ones on TH 371 and Business 371.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed.
There have been several inquiries about new permits. Justin will continue taking requests for permits as he has the past
year and go back to having office hours at the town hall in April or May if possible.
Town Board Correspondence was reviewed.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Tucker seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.