Board Members Present: Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Paul Stephany, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business the frozen septic system at the Town Hall was discussed. After the heat tape was plugged in it took
a few days for the pipe to thaw out. It is working fine now. After the ground is thawed out the tank will be checked out.
Under Unfinished Business nothing has been received from St. Mathias Township on the proposed Shared Maintenance Agreement
for 60th Street. A letter was sent to Fort Ripley Township about shared maintenance of 40th Avenue and Joshua Lane. No response
has been received. Nothing new on maintaining Lone Oak Circle.
No new information has been received on the township website.
Doug said that Chad Jillson called him because a trailer was missing that had been parked on the Tower Property. Doug
told him the township knew nothing about it. There has been no new information on the other property violations.
Under Public Comments Randy Powers asked about the time of the Annual Meeting and which positions were up for election.
Paul gave a report of the Fire Advisory Board meeting. He said that the township's cost will be going up because of the
increase in property valuation in the township.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1472-1486 were reviewed and approved. The Cash Control Statement is out of balance
by $95.60 because of the lost checks for an Election Judge last year. The checks need to be voided because they were replaced,
but because we are in a new fiscal year, Sue is waiting for instructions from MAT on how to accomplish that. A correct Cash
Control Statement for February will be presented at the next Town Board meeting.
Doug gave the Road Report. Brad Gorron has been out sanding roads. The gated driveway on the Town Hall Street cul-de-sac
had snow plowed up against it. There were several small trees down that Doug took care of. Doug talked to a resident about
her mailbox post being hit by snow and needs to be replaced. Doug told her that the only type of mailbox support the township
will put in is the swing-away type. Randy asked why Town Hall Street didn't get swing-away supports when the roads done later
have had them installed. The later construction projects were done in conjunction with Crow Wing County projects and the
mailbox support replacement was part of the contracts. Any township resident can purchase a swing-away mailbox support for
$30.00 which is the Township's cost.
Under Communications requests for donations from the Crow Wing County Fair Board and Crisis Line were reviewed. They
will be presented at the Annual Meeting. The Crow Wing County Historical Society Newsletter and Literature from Central Applicators,
Simply Surfacing LLC, and Road Groom Manufacturing were reviewed.
The Minnesota Benefit Group Life Insurance billing was discussed. A list of current township officers needs to be sent
with the bill so it needs to be paid after the Township Election, but is due by April 1, 2021. After discussion, it was determined
that the Town Board needs to have a meeting before the second Tuesday in April, which is six weeks away. Tucker made a motion
to have a Town Board meeting on the fourth Tuesday in March added to the regular meeting schedule of the second Tuesday each
month. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Administrative Business the Annual Meeting Agenda was reviewed. After discussion, Tucker made a motion to approve
the Annual Meeting Agenda. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0. Doug made a motion to appoint Tucker and Randy Powers to the
Board of Canvas for the township election on March 9th. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
The MAT Spring Short Courses will be discussed at the next meeting.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2021 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Paul.
Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm.