Annual Meeting March 9, 2021
Crow Wing Township held its annual town meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 8:30 PM at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present
were township clerk Duane Ruona and those on the attached roster.
Duane called the meeting to order and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Duane gave opening comments sharing the purpose of the annual township meeting "the people's meeting", and how
it is run by the residents, not the town board. He also explained the need to elect a moderator and outlined the role of
the moderator.
Doug Kern nominated Brad Arnold as moderator. Tucker Schuety seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations.
Brad Arnold was elected moderator.
The next agenda item was to agree to an end time to the meeting, reconvening if necessary to complete business. Doug
Kern made a motion to end at 10:00 PM or earlier. Linda Schuety seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Copies of the agenda were available to all that wanted one. Brad asked if there were any additions or changes to the
printed agenda. There were none.
The minutes of the March 10, 2020 Annual meeting were read by Duane. Doug made a motion to accept the minutes as read,
Linda seconded, motion passed.
Duane read the election results:
Office of Supervisor: Doug Kern 18 votes
Office Supervisor to fill vacancy:Paul Stephany 18 votes
Office of Treasurer: Sue Kern 18 votes
Duane read the board of audit report for 2020, copies of which were available to those in the audience.
Doug Kern gave the road report. The construction project on the East end of 110th Street required a turnaround and that
was completed on private property. The property owners gave written approval for the turnaround. The current 5-year Road
Improvement Plan was presented. The 2025 construction projects will be determined after the Spring Road Tour is conducted.
The five year road plan will be reviewed each year and adjustments made as necessary. Potholes are starting to show up and
will be filled. Darlene Jillson asked about the culvert bump on 50th Street. Doug said that it would be looked at and fixed.
Tom Mertens said there is a culvert dip on Lone Oak Road near St. Mathias Road. Doug will look at it and see what can be
done. Darlene asked if the end of 50th Street at TH 371 was the responsibility of the state or township. Brad stated that
the state usually was responsible to the end of their right-of-way.
Brad gave the Planning Commission report. There is a vacancy on the Planning Commission so if anyone is aware of someone
interested in being on the commission please contact Brad. The update of the current Comprehensive Plan that was done in 2005
is nearing completion. A public hearing will take place after a final review by the Planning Commission. The COVID 19 pandemic
slowed the process down. The TH 371 corridor will probably be left as is and could be changed at a later date as development
occurs. Nate Keller left Sourcewell and a replacement was found, but they later decided to stay at their present position.
Justin Burslie continues to handle the position for now. The current process is working well and revenues are covering expenses
each year. The Town Hall hours for Justin to be available to the public will resume after the pandemic subsides. 34 permits
were issued in 2020 which is above the average of the past 10 years. 10 new homes were included in those permits. Brad stated
that an issue about billboards has come up. Currently there are no billboards on TH 371 in the township. There are 11 billboards
on Business 371. An application has been received for a billboard on commercial property near Safari North. Randy asked
about the state saying no billboards could be put on TH 371. Brad said there are restrictions from the state and county but
the township ordinance allows them on commercial property. The issue will be discussed by the Planning Commission.
Doug Kern gave the recycling report. He asked if there was interest in have a cleanup day. A number of residents were
in favor. An appliance only day or tire only day could be done. Randy said that the last one cost the township $15,000 to
$17,000. It should be restricted to township residents. Doug said maybe a newsletter could be sent out to residents with
a coupon to use for the cleanup. If other townships were interested there could be different coupons. Paul asked if the
items could be taken directly to the landfill instead of the town hall with the township paying the cost. Crow Wing Recycling
has dumpsters available to the public that can be filled with metal items.
Doug Kern gave the cemetery report. The current lot prices are: $300 for inside lots for township residents; $500 for
roadside lots for township residents; and $1,200 for any lots sold to non-residents. He is still having issues with the records
being inaccurate and will be working to get everything corrected. Darlene asked if there was any discussion about putting
a columbarium there for cremated remains. Doug said it is something that could be discussed.
Doug Kern read the proposed 2022 levy amounts to be approved. General Fund $61,000; Fire Fund $60,000; and Road &
Bridge Fund $300,000 for a total of $421,000. Tom Mertens made a motion to approve the requested levy amount of $421,000,
Tucker seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Brainerd Fire Chief Tim Holmes spoke to the audience about the Fire Contract with the City of Brainerd. Tim thanked Paul
Stephany for taking Greg Smith's position on the Fire Advisory Board. The township population, number of calls, and building
valuation determine the assessment to each township. There will be no increase in the total assessment to townships for 2022.
The number of runs in Crow Wing Township increased from 12 in 2018; 15 in 2019; to 22 in 2020, which is an increase of 8%
over the 5-year average. The township population had a 0.2% decrease; valuation increased 10.43% and there was no change
in tax-exempt property in the township. That results in a 2% ($1,300) increase in the assessment to Crow Wing Township for
Doug made a motion to keep township notice posting sites the same (town hall, website & special meetings in the Brainerd
Dispatch), Linda seconded. Under discussion Brad stated that Chad Knudson at Wild Rice Depot was receptive to putting up
township notices. Motion passed.
The amount paid for gopher bounties was discussed. Tucker made a motion that gopher bounties remain at $2.00. Tom seconded
the motion. Motion passed.
Tucker made a motion that beaver bounties stay at $40.00. Doug seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Donation requests for 2021 were presented. Brad read the letters that have been received asking for donations. Zone
One First Responders requested a donation for equipment for new members. Doug made a motion to approve $1500 for the Zone
One First Responders. Linda seconded. Motion passed.
Lakes Area Pregnancy Center had a donation request. Linda made a motion to approve a $1500 donation to the Lakes Area
Pregnancy Center, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
The Crow Wing County Historical Society requested a donation of $250. Tucker made a motion to approve a $250 donation
to the Crow Wing County Historical Society, Tom seconded. Motion passed.
The Crow Wing County Fair Association request was read by Brad. After discussion Randy made a motion to approve a $500
donation to the Crow Wing County Fair Association. Doug seconded. Motion passed.
A letter from Crisis Line and Referral Service was read. They deal with suicide prevention, including training for township
residents, fire and first responders or other businesses. Tucker made a motion to give a $500 donation to Crisis Line. Linda
seconded. Motion passed.
Brad stated that next year's township election will be on March 8, 2022, hours to be from 2 PM-8 PM, followed by the canvass
meeting at 8:15 PM and the annual meeting at 8:30 PM. Doug made a motion to have the township election on March 8, 2022,
hours to be from 2 PM-8 PM, followed by the canvass meeting at 8:15 PM and the annual meeting at 8:30 PM. Linda seconded
the motion. Motion passed.
The Town Board meeting dates for 2021-2022 were reviewed.
There was no other business.
Tucker made a motion to adjourn, Randy seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:41 PM.