Board Members Present: Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Paul Stephany, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Supervisor Doug Kern joined the meeting at 6:20 pm.
Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Brad Arnold asked if a discussion about the township park could be added to the agenda. Tucker made a motion to approve
the agenda with that addition. Paul seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
The Town Board audited the receipts and disbursements for 2020 and selected several items at random to examine the deposits,
checks and related documents. There were no irregularities found. Doug made a motion to accept the 2020 Board of Audit form
as presented. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0. The 2020 Board of Audit form was signed and will be posted for the public.
Under New Business a Shared Maintenance Agreement with St. Mathias Township for 60th Street was discussed. A copy of
an agreement was received from St. Mathias Township. Discussion about winter road maintenance being performed for the entire
winter season by the responsible township rather than by calendar year was recommended. The clerk was instructed to send
a letter to St. Mathias Township requesting that change to the agreement. Tucker made a motion to table the 60th Street Shared
Maintenance Agreement. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Brad asked what kind of agreement the township had with Fort Ripley Township for the shared maintenance of 40th Avenue
and Joshua Lane. After discussion the clerk was instructed to send a letter to Fort Ripley Township asking for their understanding
of the shared maintenance on those roads.
The missing payroll and mileage checks for election judge Lori Tomberlin was discussed. All checks were mailed the week
after the election and everyone else received their checks. Sue said that all checks have printed on them "VOID AFTER
90 DAYS" and February 10, 2021 is 90 days from the date of the checks. Tucker made a motion to issue a new check to
Lori Tomberlin and not pay the stop payment fee of $27.00 to the bank. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
The John Jansen mailbox reimbursement claim was discussed. Snow from the snowplow knocked down his mailbox and Doug said
he would replace the support with the swing-away type the township uses but Mr. Jansen put up his own mailbox and support
and wants to be reimbursed his cost of $66.00. Doug talked to Brad Gorron and an agreement was reached that Brad would pay
half and the township will pay half. The clerk was instructed to send a letter to Mr. Jansen stating that this was a one-time
payment and any future mailbox damage would not be paid by the township.
Under Unfinished Business Brad said that the Planning Commission has not received the requested documentation from Tom
Feierabend for the township to take over Lone Oak Circle. The Planning Commission would like input on a new township website
when we get ready to make that change. Doug is still waiting for information from the people he has contacted. There is
a vacancy on the Planning Commission and they will contact interested persons to get the vacancy filled. A replacement for
Nate Keller had been hired but that person decided not to take the position. Sourcewell is looking for another candidate
for that position. Justin Burslie will continue to handle that job until the position is filled. There was discussion at
the Planning Commission about possibly turning planning and zoning issues back to Crow Wing County. Brad will talk to the
county and see if there would be any advantage to doing that. In recent years the amount spent on Planning & Zoning has
been covered by permits issued.
The current violation list was discussed. Chad Jillson continues to work on cleaning up his property. There has been
nothing new on the other violations. Brad noted that he has seen notices in the Morrison County Record where townships are
doing cleanup events in conjunction with the Morrison County Landfill. Brad will try to get more information on that and
see if our township could do something similar in Crow Wing County.
Brad is still working on the donation of playground equipment for the township park from CentreCare in St. Cloud that
the Town Board approved last year. Brad will be meeting with them in the near future and they are storing the equipment but
may want it moved. There will not be a cost for the equipment but there will be some costs to install it at the township
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1457-1471 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report Doug said that the sanding of icy roads this winter has been done well. Brad Gorron will need to
get more salt/sand from Crow Wing County. The clerk will send a letter to the Crow Wing County Highway Department to let
them know how much salt/sand will be needed next winter.
Under Communications requests for donations from the Crow Wing County Historical Society and Zone One First Responders
were reviewed. Crow Wing County sent out a letter outlining the processes the county uses for land use and other permits.
The Minnesota Benefit Group Insurance billing was reviewed.
Under Administrative Business the Notice of the Fire Advisory Board Meeting on February 23, 2021 was reviewed. The Board
of Appeal and Equalization Meeting for Crow Wing Township has been set for April 22, 2021. Both Tucker and Paul have been
certified recently.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2021 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Paul.
Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.