Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
February 8, 2021 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Justin Burslie (Planning and Zoning Administrator),
Tucker Schuety (Township Supervisor) & Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Paul Stephany has been appointed to fill a vacancy on the Town Board. His seat will be filled in the future. Each Planning
Commission member serves two-year terms.
The first item of business was to elect a Chair Person and Vice-chair Person for 2021. Linda nominated Brad Arnold for
Chair and Dan seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Brad nominated Linda for Vice-chair Person and Dan seconded the nomination.
There were no other nominations and the motion passed 4-0.
There were no public hearings.
There were no Additions or Deletions to the Agenda.
Open Forum-nothing.
Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 14, 2020 meeting as written. Dan seconded, motion passed 4-0.
Under New Business Zoning Administration Options were discussed. Nate Keller's replacement was offered the job but later
decided not to take it. Justin will continue in the position until a replacement is found. Brad asked if the Planning Commission
was interested in having Crow Wing County take back planning and zoning for the township. Concerns about the township having
input into County decisions and residents access to personnel were raised. Brad will contact the county about their interest
in doing planning and zoning for us and bring that information back to the Planning Commission. The current three-year contract
with Sourcewell expires May 8, 2021. The revenue from permits has covered the expenses in the fund for the past several years.
Brad said that he is not aware of any problems with the current system.
Town Board Liason was discussed. Tucker Schuety was present but Paul Stephany was not so there was no conflict about
open meeting statutes.
Correspondence from Tim Bray, Crow Wing County Engineer, was discussed. The letter outlines the processes the county
uses for Crow Wing County Roadways, Land Use, Permitting and Process. Brad said that the County's concern was about new developments
within the county that could affect county roads. There have been instances where developments have taken place without timely
notification to the County Highway Department that affected county roads.
Under Old Business the Comprehensive Plan Review was discussed. Justin had copies for everyone with suggested changes
in red and old provisions lined out. Discussion was had about having a list of goals at the beginning of the plan and then
showing the goals again where they apply throughout the Comprehensive Plan. Justin said that the graphics department will
include photos, maps and updated statistics which will be reviewed at the next meeting. The Camp Ripley ACUB Area buffer
is shown on the maps. The ACUB (Army Compatible Use Buffer) area and the wetland area in the township limit the total available
places for development. Brad asked Justin to have the most current draft available to show residents at the Annual Meeting
on March 9, 2021. Justin asked if discussion about the township incorporating into a city be included in this update. Past
discussion was about annexation issues and if the township incorporated, there could be no annexation by Baxter or Brainerd.
Justin asked if under the Implementation section of the Comprehensive Plan a table of action items and priority level
for implementation should be included. Brad said that the township doesn't have a lot of items that could be included there.
Property violation cleanup is always a high priority and other items are handled as necessary. Dan asked if Goal 10 regarding
annexation issues was a repeat of Goal 5. Justin said that Goal 5 was from the property owner's perspective and Goal 10 is
from the township's perspective. Justin will also include future trails in the plan. Tucker asked if a list of acronyms
could also be included. In reviewing the maps, there were several private driveways included along with the township roads.
Justin will have those removed.
Brad had a question about some property across from the Welcome Center being rezoned Commercial. Someone is interested
in building twin homes for Camp Ripley personnel on that property. Brad told him it would be difficult to rezone the property.
The violations at 6818 Wels Avenue and 6850 Wels Avenue were discussed. Justin sent letters to both owners and gave them
until February 12, 2021 to discuss the violations and apply for permits.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed. There have been several inquiries about new permits. Justin
will continue taking requests for permits as he has the past year and go back to having office hours at the town hall in April
or May if possible.
There was no Town Board Correspondence to review.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.