Board Members Present: Vice Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business appointing a township supervisor to finish the term of Greg Smith, who resigned, was discussed. Paul
Stephany has indicated he would take the position. Doug made a motion to appoint Paul Stephany to fill out the term of Greg
Smith. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0. Paul was given the Certificate of Appointment to Fill Town Supervisor Vacancy.
Paul took the Oath of Office.
Tucker moved up from Vice-Chair to Chairman. Tucker made a motion to appoint Doug as Vice-Chair. Paul seconded, motion
passed 3-0.
Tucker made a motion to appoint Paul to the Brainerd Fire Advisory Board. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Unfinished Business taking over Lone Oak Circle in the Plat of Oak Ridge South Second Addition was discussed. A
letter from Anderson Brothers inspection of the road was reviewed. No new As-Built Stormwater Plan has been presented by
Mr. Feierabend to the township so no action was taken.
Doug contacted another possible website developer and has not heard back from him. Chad Jillson continues cleaning up
his property and there have been no changes to the other properties on the violation list.
Under Public Comments Randy Powers asked how the removal of the recycling dumpsters has been received. Gerry said that
the dumpsters were removed 5 days early and there were about 10 bags of recycling left on the ground by the cardboard dumpster
and the locking cable on the dumpster had been cut. Calls have been received by several town board members from residents
upset about the removal of the recycling dumpsters.
Tucker gave information from last Planning Commission meeting. The future land use map is nearly finalized and there
was discussion about the color of the storage buildings that will be built near the bypass and Sweet Road.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1434-1456 were reviewed and approved. The transfer of funds to cover the construction
bill from the Crow Wing County Highway Department for 110th Street and the Forest Heights roads was discussed. Doug made
a motion to allow the Treasurer to transfer funds as necessary to pay the bills. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under the Road Report Doug has removed trees, cleaned ditches, and checked on icy roads that need to be sanded in the
past month. Intersections in Barrows have some high banks so Brad Gorron will push them back. Troy Jordan, who lives next
to the town hall, drove his tractor-trailer through the township parking lot during the meeting. Letters have been sent to
him about the damage he is causing by driving through the lot. Doug made a motion to have the clerk send Troy Jordan a letter
telling him to stop driving his tractor-trailer through the township parking lot. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Communications a notice from the MPCA about a hearing on proposed rules changes to water quality standards was reviewed.
Under Administrative Business the contract for election services from Crow Wing County was reviewed. Doug made a motion
to accept the contract for the provision of election services by Crow Wing County. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0. The
contract for election services in 2021 was signed by the chairman and clerk.
Approval of election judges for the upcoming township election was discussed. Doug made a motion to approve the current
list of qualified, trained election judges on file with the township to act as election judges and absentee ballot judges
for elections in 2021. Paul seconded, motion passed 3-0.
The Park Fund has a negative balance as of 12/31/2020. Tucker made a motion to transfer $2,680.51 from the General Fund
to the Park Fund. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
The Board of Appeal and Equalization training is available online until February 1, 2021. At least one township supervisor
needs to be trained for the annual Board of Equalization training meeting in August. Doug is currently trained. Doug made
a motion for the township supervisors to take the online training for the Board of Appeal and Equalization. Tucker seconded,
motion passed 3-0.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2020 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Tucker.
Motion passed 2-0. Paul abstained.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.