Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
December 14, 2020 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning and
Zoning Administrator), Tucker Schuety (Township Supervisor) & Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
There were no public hearings.
Additions or Deletions to the Agenda. Brad asked that discussion about the Oak Ridge South Second Addition relating to
"As-Built" drawings be added to the agenda. The current status of the Town Board was also added.
Open Forum-nothing.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 9, 2020 meeting. Paul seconded, motion passed 4-0.
New Business. The colors of the storage buildings to be built near the Business 371/TH 371 interchange was discussed.
Mike Angland and T.J. Lake of Gustafson Properties were present to show the colors they intended to use for the buildings.
The conditional use permit stated that earth tone colors were to be used, but there is some confusion about whether the green
that is proposed meets the definition of earth tone. Mr. Angland presented the drawings of the proposed buildings with a
gray/white color for the buildings with a green for the doors. Because of neighbors' concerns about the storage buildings,
Brad thought that the planning commission should approve the colors that will be seen from the roadway. The actual sample
presented was not as bright as the lime green shown on the emailed samples. This is the final step in the permitting process
and there have been no public comments about the issue. The roof will be galvanized and would be visible from the exit ramp
off of TH 371. A second rendering could be charcoal doors with the green accent on the corners of the buildings. The owner
wanted the green doors to match the logo of all the units they will be building. There was consensus from the Planning Commission
to use the second rendering.
Tom Feierabend was present to respond to the letter sent to him by the Town Board. They requested an "as-built"
stormwater plan drawing for the Oak Ridge South Second Addition plat before taking over Lone Oak Circle. The original drawing
does not represent the actual stormwater plan. Lone Oak Circle was built before the plat was approved as a continuation of
the existing 365 feet when Stone Ridge was taken over. Anderson Brothers Construction built the road and wrote a letter stating
the road was built as requested. Tom will contact Jim Kramer to get the signed final stormwater plan.
Todd Holman of the Nature Conservancy was present to discuss the Cuyuna Lakes State Trail Concept Alignment and Camp Ripley
Sentinel Landscapes Program. The Camp Ripley Sentinel Landscapes Program wants to protect the installation's military training
mission and the landscape's wildlife management areas, watersheds, and agricultural resources. They want to keep a 10-mile
radius of lands compatible with training. Residential encroachment and endangered species moving to areas within the camp
are threats to the training mission of the camp. The construction of state trails that connect to the existing trail network
is proceeding and possible corridors could follow the Mississippi River from Brainerd and Baxter down along Camp Ripley.
Because the township is revising its Comprehensive Plan, Todd asked that the Camp Ripley Sentinel Landscapes Program and possible
state trail corridors be considered in the plan.
Under Old Business the Future Land Use Map was discussed. Nate had three maps showing the possible commercial zoning
options along the TH 371/ Business 371 corridor. Option #1 showed the entire corridor from Business 371 at the Brainerd city
limits then along TH371 to the township limits as commercial zoning. Option #2 showed only Business 371 as commercial zoning.
Option #3 showed the existing commercial zoning along Business 371/TH 371. Brad said that the Option #3 map was closest to
previous discussions of the Planning Commission. Wetherbee Road and 50th Avenue should stay as Forested Residential instead
of Rural Residential. St. Mathias Road and County Road 45 should be Rural Residential. The township labeling of districts/zones
should be comparable to Crow Wing County's labels. The wetlands and topography that are on previous maps should be included
in the new maps. The Camp Ripley buffer zone should be included also for any possible conflicts with towers or other structures.
Justin said that Option #3 make it the most difficult to rezone property to Commercial in the Business 371/TH 371 corridor.
Paul asked that the wetlands be shown on the map. The trail discussion will be added to the narrative section of the Comprehensive
Plan. Justin will have a new map to review at the next meeting.
The violations at 6818 Wels Avenue and 6850 Wels Avenue were discussed. Nate Keller wrote a letter to the owners of 6818
Wels Avenue that has a structure without a permit on it. The owner told Justin that it was something being built to sell
and not lived in. However there are some recreational vehicles on the property that are being lived in without any septic
systems. Justin will send another letter telling them to cease living on the property. A permit is required for manufacturing
in a residential area also. A mobile home has been brought in at 6850 Wels Avenue without a permit. Justin will contact
the owner about getting a permit for the mobile home.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed. A subdivision request was received for the property on CR
45. Nate's position will be filled and interviews are scheduled for January. The Joel Brott commercial property on TH 371
has been listed for sale. The County Ditch No. 14 renaming request failed to pass at the County Board. Greg Smith is resigning
from the Town Board because he is moving out of the township.
Town Board Correspondence was reviewed.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Tucker seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:53 PM.