Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business - nothing.
Under Old Business taking over Lone Oak Circle in the Plat of Oak Ridge South Second Addition was discussed. The original
stormwater management plan wasn't followed when the plat was developed. Greg talked to Justin Burslie about the final plat
approval by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission minutes from September 2017 show item #4 under Conditions of
Approval - "An alternate location for drainage areas for the proposed roadway shall be submitted for review by the Township
before the final plat application is reviewed. Not complete" and the November 2017 minutes showed everything completed.
The stormwater plan was changed but we don't have the final documents. The clerk was instructed to send a letter to Tom Feierabend
asking that the as built drawings be brought to an upcoming Planning Commission meeting before the township takes over Lone
Oak Circle.
Doug has not heard back from the gentleman in Pequot Lakes who does websites and is waiting for prices from him.
Recycling was discussed. There has been no information received from St. Mathias and Ft. Ripley Townships about trying
to continue the recycling program. Bill Jordan was in attendance and is still trying to get more information about moving
the recycling center to another location. Crow Wing County has indicated that the dumpsters will be removed on December 31,
2020. Gerry will get a sign up to inform people that the dumpsters will be removed.
Doug said that Chad Jillson is cleaning up his property. There has been no new information on the other violations.
There were no public comments.
The Planning Commission will meet next Monday.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1416-1433 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report the maintenance agreement with St. Mathias Township on 60th Street was discussed. Jim Guida, St.
Mathias Township Supervisor, asked for information on the shared maintenance of the road. Greg wasn't sure how the snow plowing
and maintenance were being shared. Tucker was told by Brad Gorron that the first snow plow to get to the road was plowing
it. The clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Guida and ask that St. Mathias Township come up with a written agreement for
us to review. Doug has removed trees, filled potholes, and had icy roads sanded in the past month.
There were no communications to review.
Under Administrative Business the Five-Year Road Improvement Plan was discussed. Crackfilling that was scheduled for
2021 was completed this year. Tucker recommended that the roads paved this year should be crackfilled next year with routing
and filling. Greg said we should do some crackfilling on roads each year instead of waiting to do all roads at once. After
discussion, the five-year road construction plan was suggested as follows:
2021 Router and crackfilling roads paved in 2020
2022 Brandon Way (west of TH 371) (1.164 miles); Crow Wing Heights Drive (0.386 miles); Arielle Drive (0.40 miles); and
Home Place Drive (0.31 miles). 2.26 miles
2023 Save money for 2024 projects.
2024 Barrows Roads- Brandon Way (0.574 miles); Canary Street (0.26 miles); Cuyuna Avenue (0.126 miles); Depot Street
(0.281 miles); Heron Street (0.40 miles); Holmes Avenue (0.21 miles); Jay Street (0.064 miles);) Quail Street (0.20 miles);
Robin Street (0.341 miles); Strong Avenue (0.082 miles); Wels Avenue (0.795 miles); Wilson School Avenue (0.33 miles). Total
3.663 miles.
2025 Router and crack filling roads paved in 2024 Save money for 2026 project - Based on Spring Road Tour
Under Administrative business the township is required to designate the election polling place each year. Doug made a
motion to approve Crow Wing Township Resolution No. 2020-07 Designating Annual Polling Place at the Town Hall, 6930 Cuyuna
Avenue, Brainerd, MN 56401. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Certifying the outstanding administrative fees on property violations to the property taxes was discussed. Greg made
a motion to certify the administrative fees and place them on the property taxes, seconded by Doug, motion passed 3-0.
The 2020 General Election turnout was discussed. Crow Wing Township had a total of 1,299 registered voters and there
were 90 new registrations on Election Day for a total of 1,389. 798 voted in person, 443 voted by absentee ballot for a total
of 1,241 votes for Crow Wing Township. That is a turnout of 89.3%.
The 2022 levy and budget were discussed. There was discussion about the past years history on revenue and expenditures
and levy amounts. Tucker made a motion to keep the levy the same as 2021 for a total of $421,000. Doug seconded, motion
passed 3-0. The following amounts will be presented for the 2022 levy to the residents at the annual meeting:
General Fund $61,000
Road & Bridge $300,000
Fire Fund $60,000
The updated 2022 Budget spreadsheet was reviewed. Greg made a motion to adopt the 2022 Budget with Revenues of $469,522
and Expenditures of $452,062. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Announcements the filing period for the township election on March 9, 2021 is December 29, 2020 until 5:00 PM January
12, 2021. Greg will no longer live in the township so he is resigning his position as township supervisor.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2020 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Tucker.
Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.