Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of the Craig Road street sign being missing and discussion
about a pallet shed that is on Brandon Way. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business the Petition to add a name to Crow Wing County Ditch No. 14 was discussed. Crow Wing County Commissioner
Paul Koering was present and stated that the County Board has set a public hearing for November 24, 2020 on the subject.
He felt that the township should weigh in on the issue because Ditch No. 14 is in the township. Commissioner Koering has
talked to Randy Bunney about the petition and he feels it is a personal issue for Mr. Bunney. Tim Bray, County Highway Engineer,
has contacted the Ditch Law Attorney they use and was told that adding the name Crow Wing Creek to Crow Wing County Ditch
No. 14 would not affect anything. Brad Arnold has spoken to residents of the township as well as St. Mathias and Fort Ripley
Townships about the issue and had comments opposed to it.
Randy Bunney joined the meeting via telephone at 6:12 pm to discuss the renaming process. Mr. Bunney lives near the inlet
to Crow Wing Lake and felt that the watercourse should have a name other than Ditch No. 14 on area maps. He has sent letters
to landowners on Ditch 14 and posted items on social media to promote the name change. He received 71 votes on 28 proposed
names and Crow Wing Creek was the favored name. After the public hearing the County would send the petition to the DNR and
then to the US Board on Geographic Features for adoption of the name. He said it would be similar to CR 131 being called
Sleepy Hollow Road. The watercourse would be County Ditch No. 14 and Crow Wing Creek. Doug stated that he thought the current
name is sufficient. Brad Arnold thought it was not necessary and a waste of time to add Crow Wing Creek to County Ditch No.
14. Tucker said that the historical name of Ditch No. 14 should be shown on maps instead of a new name. Brad has received
a petition from Bill Jordan against naming Ditch No. 14 Crow Wing Creek and it will be presented to the County Board. A question
was raised about where the property lines are if Ditch No. 14 becomes Crow Wing Creek.
After a lengthy discussion, Crow Wing Township Supervisor Doug Kern made a motion against changing the name of Crow Wing
County Ditch No. 14 to Crow Wing Creek because Ditch No. 14 is a unique and appropriate name for the watercourse which is
over 110 years old and a name change could cause conflicts for property owners along Ditch No. 14. Supervisor Tucker Schuety
seconded. Supervisors Doug Kern, Greg Smith, and Tucker Schuety voted aye. Motion passed 3-0.
Bill Jordan asked about the recycling program ending and if it could be continued with the support of St. Mathias and
Ft. Ripley townships. Commissioner Koering stated that the SCORE Funds and Solid Waste Fee on all property tax statements
do not cover the cost of the current recycling program. Brad said he had talked to St. Mathias Supervisor Jim Guida and they
are interested in trying to keep the program going. The total costs of recycling in Crow Wing Township for 2019 was $20,500.
This includes a lot of contamination fees. Bill Jordan suggested moving the site to the travel center on TH 371 and will
contact them to find out if it is possible. Tucker has heard from residents that the recycling program is good but people
will not rent the town hall because there is broken glass in the parking lot and the area around the recycling bins is a mess.
Township truck storage was discussed. The hoop shed that Dave Schultz had used was damaged by falling snow and ice and
would need repairs to use again. Doug suggested that the wall for the office area in the shed could be removed to make more
room for equipment storage and then there would be easier access to the truck. Greg made a motion to remove the office wall
in the storage building. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A donation of playground equipment from CentraCare in St. Cloud was discussed. Brad said that CentraCare needed to remove
some nearly new playground equipment from their facility in St. Cloud. They are willing to donate the equipment to the township
as long as we pick it up. Brad said he could get the equipment here and help put it together next spring. Brad had a question
about the new home at 9496 Arielle Drive. The driveway they are using was a snowmobile trail and access to the Crow Wing
Power property east of the new home. The road adoption of the Feierabend Oak Ridge South Second Addition was discussed.
Brad thought there was an "As Built" survey that was needed. Greg will call Jim Kraemer at KLD about the issue.
Brad said that Chad Jillson may not be around. Doug has been trying to catch him at home but has been unsuccessful.
Doug talked with Devon from R&J Broadcasting and Devon will call the Sheriff Department about getting Chad's stuff off
their property. The road to the tower property is blocked with vehicles. There are several tents on the property. Greg
asked if the township needs to be involved in the dispute between R&J Broadcasting and Chad Jillson. Wade Tomberlin was
notified that there are some tires remaining on the property that need to be removed. There was no new information on the
other violations.
There is a pallet shed on Brandon Way and Wilson School Ave. Justin is going to check into it. The road sign for Craig
Road is missing. Doug will look into it.
The 6 yard township garbage dumpster was discussed. It is for township use only but people have been putting a lot of
large items in the dumpster. After discussion, Tucker made a motion to replace the 6 yard garbage dumpster with a large residential
roller unit that can be stored in the garage. Greg seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There was no more discussion about Erin Road. The residents were going to try to work out a solution to the gravel and
sand washing down to Erin Road from the private driveway.
Sourcewell recommended GOVOFFICE as a source for the township website. Tucker had contact with them and received a quote
of $5,950 for a 3 year plan, costing $1,983 per year. Doug made a motion to table the website update. Greg seconded, motion
passed 3-0.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1375-1389 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report Doug reported that Brad showed him some of the road issues in the township. He is looking into
what classes may be available online for him to take relating to road issues. He met with Mark Melby and residents at the
ends of 110th Street to determine what type of turn arounds to put in. Doug has heard good comments from the residents about
the road improvements. The belts on the ditch mower broke and are on order. The second mowing is nearly done. Garbage has
been cleaned up, a driveway permit on Sophies Way was issued, Doug picked up some class 5 from Fletchers to fix shoulders,
put cold patch on 50th Street and still has a few holes to patch. The No Outlet sign for Ravenswood is on order.
Under communications the third quarter fire calls were reviewed. The Road Mileage Certification for 2021 from Crow Wing
County was discussed. There has been no change from 2020 and the clerk will send the report to the Crow Wing County Highway
Department. A notice about the Board of Equalization training was reviewed.
Under Administrative Business the Waste Management trash bills were discussed. The 2022 Budget information will be reviewed
at the December Town Board meeting.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2020 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Greg.
Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.