Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
October 12, 2020 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Previous Planning
& Zoning Administrator), Tucker Schuety (Township Supervisor) & Duane Ruona (Township clerk). Nate Keller (Planning
and Zoning Administrator) was absent.
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
There were no Public Hearings.
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Open Forum-nothing.
Paul made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 14, 2020 meeting with corrections. Linda seconded, motion passed
There was no New Business.
Under Old Business the Comprehensive Plan review was discussed. A map of the Crow Wing County Tax Use Class for the township,
which shows how properties are currently taxed, and a Crow Wing Township Wetland Inventory map were provided. A map showing
potential parcels along TH 371/ Business 371 that meet minimum size requirements of Commercial Zoning was also provided by
Nate. There are approximately 15 such parcels on that map. Residents have stated that they prefer a rural setting in the
township and there is no infrastructure available to these areas. Brad said that he does not think these parcels should be
designated for commercial use. Developers can come in and request a change to commercial if they want and the township can
approve them if it is deemed appropriate. Justin said that having designated commercial areas eliminates spot zoning. Tucker
said that having larger areas of commercial zoning helps reduce conflicts with residential properties. Dan said that these
are smaller parcels and not a larger continuous area. It was decided to leave current commercial zoning as is and not add
any new parcels. Justin will put together a draft plan for the next meeting. A public hearing will need to be held after
the plan is approved.
The Wade Tomberlin violation was discussed. Nate sent a letter to Wade about the tires that still need to be removed
by October 12th. Wade might attend the Town Board meeting tomorrow. Brad will bring it to the Town Board meeting. The
Chad Jillson violation was discussed. Devon Krueger of R&J Broadcasting has called and said there is more stuff being
deposited on their property. Brad said it appears that Chad is not in the area. There is a camper at the back of Chad's
property and people are crossing the Tower Property to access the camper. Nate is checking on a property with a camper that
appears to be in violation next to 6780 Wels Avenue.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed. Justin said this year has been busier than last year.
Greg Smith had asked Brad about the Feierabend property final plat. He wasn't sure it was delivered. Justin said that
the final plat approval isn't released until all conditions are met. The Planning Commission doesn't deal with the Developer's
Agreement so if something was not completed there it is up to the Town Board to finalize.
Carol Wermter asked if there was a permit issued for the new house that is using the Crow Wing Power access on Arielle
Drive as a driveway. That access has also been used as part of the snowmobile trail. A building permit for 9496 Arielle
Drive was issued on 5/28/2020. The question of needing a separate driveway was asked. It will be discussed at the Town Board
Greg Smith joined the meeting at 7:00 PM and Brad told him that the Final Plat for Oak Ridge South Second Addition was
completed. Greg said that it was the stormwater plan that was changed and he didn't remember seeing the final drawings.
Before the township takes over the road all the paperwork needs to completed. Justin will check the records and let the Town
Board know if everything is okay.
Brad told Greg that he had a call from Jim Guida, St. Mathias Supervisor, about trying to work out a way to continue the
recycling program at the town hall. Greg said it would be discussed at the Town Board meeting. A donation of playground
equipment will also be added to the Town Board agenda. The renaming of Crow Wing County Ditch No. 14 will also be discussed
at the Town Board meeting.
There was no Town Board Correspondence.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Paul seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.