Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
A public hearing for vacating drainage and utility easements for lots one and two, block two for the plat titled First
Addition to Woods-'N-Acres. Nate Keller stated that the vacation is needed to facilitate an approved Conditional Use Permit
for the property. There is no future need for an easement on the property and the two lots will be combined. A resident
near the property had a complaint about cutting trees off the property. He said the development will increase the noise and
raise the water level in the area. Doug made a motion to approve the resolution to vacate publicly dedicated interior drainage
and utility easements for lots one and two, block two for the plat titled First Addition to Woods-'N-Acres. Tucker seconded,
motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were 596 gopher bounties turned in from Tom Mertens.
Under New Business James Penoyer of Erin Road was in attendance to ask the township to do something about the gravel and
sand washing down his driveway to Erin Road. The gravel road west of the cul-de-sac on Erin Road is a private driveway.
Brad said that a few years ago the subject came up and it was suggested that the property owners get together to agree on
fixing the road. The clerk was instructed to contact the Minnesota Association of Townships attorney to ask about the township
spending funds on the private road to fix the problem on the township road.
Tom Feierabend was in attendance to ask the township to take over the road in Oak Ridge South Second Addition. The original
plat was seven lots. However three people bought two lots each and two have built homes in the middle of the two lots. The
Developers Agreement states that 2/3 of the lots need to be developed. There would be less impervious surface with fewer
houses being built. The lot consolidations have been done by the county. Greg recommended that Nate make sure everything
is okay before the township takes over the road. An inspection of the road would need to take place before the road is taken
A check was received in error from Safari North for a $750.00 permit fee. The fee should have been $200.00 because of
previous Town Board action. A claim for $550.00 will be presented with other claims.
North Central Speedway noise complaints have been received. The last race of the season was Labor Day weekend and they
had a very large number of cars with fireworks following the races. This year has been unusual because of COVID-19 and in
the future should return to normal operation.
The Township Website was discussed. Tucker contacted Bob Hansen to see what he had to offer for website building. His
company would host everything and use the same website address we currently have. Tucker looked at some of their sites and
they are mobile-friendly and easy to use. The normal setup charge is $1,200.00 with a monthly fee of $199.00. But the township
cost would be discounted to $99.00 per month with no setup charge based on how we are currently using the website. Doug has
tried to contact another website builder and will try again to get another quote.
Under Unfinished Business the Chad Jillson property violation was discussed. He has put items on the neighboring Tower
property and they have complained to the township. Doug wants to give Chad a written notice to remove the items on neighboring
property or the township will dispose of it. Doug will get a signed document from the Tower Property owner stating that the
township can remove the items on the Tower Property. Brad said that Wade Tomberlin has been complying with the requests from
the Planning Commission. There was no new information on the other violations.
Under Public Comments the Township trash dumpster had four TVs and paint cans in it so Waste Management would not empty
it today. Doug removed the items from the dumpster before tonight's meeting and the clerk will call Waste Management again
to empty the dumpster. There are also boxes of trash left near the oil recycling tank. Doug has names from documents in
the trash and will try to contact them. Gerry said we should get a smaller dumpster and keep it in the shed to discourage
this from happening. Brad asked why the dumpster couldn't be locked. The county wanted the dumpsters available more often
than just the two weekends a month when we have recycling workers. Bill Jordan from the Crow Wing Lake area asked if the
township would work with Fort Ripley and St. Mathias townships to continue the recycling program. Greg asked Bill Jordan
to talk to Fort Ripley and St. Mathias Townships.
A notice about a request from Randy Bunney to rename Ditch 14 from Mine Lake to Crow Wing Lake and then to the Mississippi
River was discussed. Bill Jordan was part of the Name the Creek Committee formed by Mr. Bunney, but after asking questions
about the process, he was asked to leave the committee. After discussion, the clerk was instructed to invite Mr. Bunney to
the next Town Board meeting on October 13, 2020. Doug made a motion to contact County Commissioner Paul Koering and ask that
a decision about renaming County Ditch No. 14 be postponed until the Town Board can get more information. Greg seconded,
motion passed 3-0.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1347-1374 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report a number of complaints about the potholes on Forest Heights Drive was discussed. Crow Wing County
has the contract with Anderson Brothers Construction to repave the road. The construction date has changed from June to August
15th to September 21st. Doug said there were trees down on 70th Avenue, 80th Street and Sweet Road to remove, he has had
one new driveway permit, a refrigerator was picked up on Wetherbee Road, the speed limit sign on Libby Lane is up, and Doug
put up slow children signs on Catherine's Way. The township truck is getting repaired at the body shop. Brad said that there
is shoulder damage on 50th Avenue that needs to be repaired.
Under communications the 2020 Primary Election Statistics were reviewed. 139 voted in person and 27 voted absentee.
Turnout was 13.43% of eligible voters. The Crow Wing County Association of Township Officers newsletter was reviewed.
Under Administrative Business the transfer of the balance in Golden Oaks Road Development Fund to the Road & Bridge
Fund was discussed. The $298.69 left in the fund was for road maintenance during the two years after the township took over
Golden Oaks Drive. Greg made a motion to transfer $298.69 from the Golden Oaks Road Development Fund to the Road and Bridge
Fund. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2020 regular meeting as written. Seconded by Tucker.
Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:09 pm.