Board Members Present: Vice Chairman Tucker Schuety, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Chairman Greg Smith was absent.
Tucker called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Sheriff Scott Goddard was present to discuss current issues in the township. He brought a list of the calls in the township
this year. There have been approximately 250 since January 1, 2020. A question about the use of solar powered radar speed
signs was discussed. Sheriff Goddard said that they are effective in areas that see a lot of weekend traffic. He recommended
talking to County Engineer Tim Bray to get more information about the signs. They need to be mounted on an existing speed
limit sign. The County has mobile radar speed signs that can be used by the township. Sheriff Goddard was asked about the
enforcement of a township right-of-way ordinance. He stated that the County Attorney will not prosecute township ordinances.
The township is responsible for prosecution. He suggested that the township attorney be contacted about the issue. Sheriff
Goddard did not think an End Speed Zone sign would be necessary on Wetherbee Road. The question of the property cleanup as
part of a probation requirement was discussed. Sheriff Goddard said probation enforcement is a problem and the township should
try to contact the agent in charge to try to get some progress on the cleanup. Randy Powers asked about the patrol schedule
for our township. There has been some issues at the parking lot for the township park. Sheriff Goddard said the patrol officers
are out more now with the pandemic so they are not in the office as much. He will pass on the concerns so the patrols know
to be in the area more.
The speed limit on Libby Lane was discussed. Bruce Hayes asked that the speed limit be lowered to 25 MPH. The Town Board
approved putting up 35 MPH signs on Catherine's Way and Libby Lane last fall. Doug suggested that the property owners on
Libby Lane get a petition for the change and bring it to the Town Board.
The hail damage to the township truck was discussed. Tucker got estimates from Highway 18 Collision Center ($6,225.23)
and The Body Works ($6,508.60). There is a $500.00 deductible on the insurance policy and the township will get the amount
of the lowest bid less the $500 deductible. After discussion, Doug made a motion to get the truck fixed at Highway 18 Collision
Center. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0.
The Citizen Complaint about 9204 Estate Circle was discussed. It was not discussed at the Planning Commission on Monday,
June 8th. The clerk was instructed to have Justin Burslie send a letter to the owner similar to the one on Ravenswood last
The suggested Right-of-Way Ordinance was discussed. The MAT Attorney said that a public hearing is not required for the
township to pass an ordinance. The Planning Commission only handles Land Use issues, not right-of-way issues. Doug made
a motion to table the issue until next meeting. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0.
The current Land Use Violations were discussed. Wade Tomberlin was supposed to attend the meeting to bring the requested
documentation but was not in attendance. Doug suggested that an inspection of the property should be done.
Under Public Comments Linda Schuety asked about the recycling program. She is concerned about what changes will happen
because the county has taken over the whole recycling program. There are currently 4 recycling locations in the county, which
includes Crow Wing Township. The current plan is to only have 2 recycling sites in Crow Wing County next year. Randy Powers
said that the dumpsters have been full when he works on a Saturday because Waste Management comes every Monday. There has
been broken glass and garbage all over the parking lot. Gerry Schuety said that people are filling the township trash dumpster
with carpet, construction debris, chairs and other stuff. The clerk will contact Crow Wing County about the future plans
for the township recycling site.
Randy asked about when the potholes in the roads will be filled. Tucker will get some asphalt and work on filling the
potholes. Randy said the flag at the cemetery is in bad shape and needs to be replaced. Doug said he will replace the flag.
Doug gave the Planning Commission report. The Mills parcels on the south side of Business 371 are not shown on the current
Crow Wing Township Land Use Map. Justin looked back on the tax statements and they are listed as being in Crow Wing Township.
After discussion Doug made a motion that parcel numbers 560205345, 56020535, 56020543, 56110596 and 56110597 be designated
Agricultural/Forestry. Tucker seconded. Motion passed 2-0.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1287-1307 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report Tucker will get asphalt mix for patching potholes. The drive chain on the sweeper broke after the
new PTO shaft was replaced so the sweeper is down. Tucker asked if he could get a price for sweeping the township roads from
Blake Christopherson. It took approximately 20 hours for Dave to sweep the roads last year. Doug made a motion to get a
price for sweeping township roads from Blake Christopherson. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0. The apron that was damaged
by the snow plow last winter on the driveway on Libby Lane has not been fixed. Tucker has contacted Brad Gorron about it
and has a picture of the damaged apron from when it happened with the snow bank around it. Doug suggested having Greg talk
to Brad Gorron to get it fixed. Tucker asked where the township had gotten class 5 in the past so he can fix some washouts.
Tucker will check into it further. Tucker received a township road map from Crow Wing County. The right-of-way map of township
roads that the county has was done by their personnel going over plat books over the winter. Tucker had questions about stop
signs on the gravel portion of Lone Oak Circle and Lone Oak Drive where they cross Stone Ridge. Those are currently private
roads so the township doesn't install stop signs there. Brad Arnold sent an email with several road concerns that was discussed.
The culvert on the east end of Lone Oak Road has raised up and there is a large bump there. A BUMP sign should be there to
warn the public. Gorron Road has a similar situation with BUMP signs installed. After discussion, Doug made a motion to
install BUMP signs at the culvert on Lone Oak Road and get quotes to properly fix the culverts on Lone Oak Road and Gorron
Road. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0. The subgrade on 50th Avenue is failing and Tucker asked if there was any way to
get the contractor who paved the road to fix the problem. Tri-City Paving was the contractor and has since been bought out
so there is no one to go after. Tucker took the MAT class on tree removal in the road right-of-way and found out that trees
and limbs in the ROW cannot be trimmed without first getting the property owner's permission.
Under Communications the clerk will respond to the request about fixing potholes. The State Demographer Annual Population
Estimate was reviewed. MAT membership cards were distributed to the township officers. A notice from Brainerd Public Utilities
about bio-solids application in the township was reviewed. The Crow Wing County Highway Department 5-year Road Improvement
Plan was reviewed.
Under Administrative Business Resolution 2020-04 Designating a Liaison & Alternate for the 2020-2022 Road Maintenance
Contract was discussed. A signed contract has not been received from Brad Gorron. Tucker made a motion to table the resolution
until the next meeting. Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0. Crow Wing County is doing a clerks meeting about the upcoming
elections on June 24, 2020. Doug made a motion to table scheduling the road tour until the next meeting. Tucker seconded,
motion passed 2-0.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2020 regular meeting and special meeting of May 26, 2020
as written. Seconded by Tucker. Motion passed 2-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.