Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Tucker Schuety, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Greg made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Ten gopher bounties were turned in by Kathryn Stangler.
Under New Business Chad Knudson from Wild Rice Depot was present for their liquor license renewal. After discussion a
motion to approve the liquor license for Wild Rice Liquor was made by Doug, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 3-0.
The complaints about the noise at North Central Speedway were discussed. Cliff Sasker from North Central Speedway was
in attendance. Complaints have been received by a number of residents because there have been race cars practicing at the
track many days the past few weeks from morning to evening. Races haven’t been allowed because of the restrictions
due to COVID 19. The Crow Wing County Attorney and County Sheriff are limiting the number of cars on the track to 4 and each
pit crew to 10 individuals. They had a practice schedule in place for 2 hour sessions starting at 10 AM until 8 PM and were
not running on Wednesday and Saturday because they are in Princeton those days. They had planned to race last Saturday so
there was less practicing in the last week. Racing was canceled due to the weather but they hope to race this Saturday.
During racing season there are usually only one or two days for practice. No spectators will be allowed in the stands. Because
the race track has been there since 1956 they were grandfathered in before the township had a Land Use Ordinance.
Cliff Sasker from North Central Speedway was in attendance to renew his 3.2 malt liquor license. There have been no changes
since last year. Greg made a motion to approve the 3.2 malt liquor license for North Central Speedway, Doug seconded. Motion
passed 3-0.
Changing the township to mail balloting from having a polling location at the town hall was discussed. Doug stated that
people who want to vote by mail are allowed to do so. He felt there was no need to change to all mail balloting. Greg agreed
that there should not be a change.
A speeding complaint was received for traffic on Wetherbee Road. Greg said that the Sheriff Department representatives
who have been at Town Board meetings have said we should call them when there are problems. Brad suggested that a Sheriff's
representative come to a Town Board meeting and tell the Board how often they are in the township whether patrolling or answering
calls. Tucker stated that Wetherbee Road has conflicting speed limit signs on the northbound vs. southbound lanes. One side
is 30 MPH and the other side is 50 MPH. The clerk was directed to send a letter to the Crow Wing County Sheriff asking him
or a representative to attend a Town Board meeting.
The bid for the Road Maintenance Contract from 6/1/2020 to 5/31/2022 was discussed. The only bid received was from Brad
Gorron of Northland Excavating. The bid was complete with a Certficate of Insurance included. The bid for grading gravel
roads; snow plowing and sanding; and using a motorgrader to scrape ice was $95.00 per hour. This is no change from the previous
contract. Greg made a motion to accept the bid from Northland Excavating for Regular Road Maintenance in Crow Wing Township
from June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2022. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0. The clerk was directed to invite Mr. Gorron
to the next Town Board meeting on June 9, 2020 to discuss maintenance items.
Unfinished Business. Brad said that there has been no response from the Crow Wing County Attorney or Probation Office
concerning the cleanup of the Chad Jillson property. Wade Tomberlin was in attendance to discuss his property violation.
Brad stated that the items the township is waiting for is the cleanup of tires on the property, septic certification, proof
of garbage service pickup, and the cleanup of miscellaneous items on the property. Wade is working on getting the septic
certification and plans to have it before the next meeting. He said the neighbor is putting trash on Wade's property. Brad
said that it is a civil matter and nothing to do with the township. The E-911 sign for Mr. Tomberlin's property was knocked
down. Brad told Wade it is his property sign and he is responsible to put it back up.
Brad said that Steve Engholm has done a good job cleaning up the property and will be taken off the violation list. The
Dillon, Neelan and Copa properties have had no changes.
The regulation of town road right-of-way cannot be part of the Land Use Ordinance according to Nate Keller and Justin
Burslie from Sourcewell. The Town Board would need to adopt it as a stand-alone ordinance. The clerk will contact the MAT
attorney about the ordinance adoption procedure.
Under Public Comments Randy Powers asked if there was a problem with sweeping Town Hall Street. Tucker said the sweeper
broke down before he finished Town Hall Street.
Brad reported on the Planning Commission meeting from May 11, 2020. There was a public hearing to rezone property owned
by Craig Feierabend. The applicant is requesting a rezone for parcel addressed as: 8968 St Mathias Rd and parcel ID of: 56230524.
The subject parcel is 24 acres in size. The proposed rezone is to facilitate a lot spilt with the two Southern parcels (Tract
B and C) being zoned Rural Residential 2.5 and one larger parcel (Tract A) being rezoned to Rural Residential 10.
The future land use map indicates parcel as "Medium Density Residential". The suggested lot size for "Medium
Density Residential" is 2.5 acres. The future land use matches the proposed rezoning.
Staff Findings: Staff provides the following findings of fact for consideration:
1. The subject property is located at 8968 St. Mathias RD.
2. The future land map (contained in the comprehensive plan) identifies the subject property as "Medium Density Residential".
3. The future land use of "Medium Density Residential" has a suggested minimum lot size of 2.5 acres.
4. The rezone request is to:
a. Rezone parcel from Agricultural/Forestry to "Rural Residential 2.5 and Rural Residential 10 pursuant to an approved
lot spilt to convert the parcel from one to three separate parcels with three separate parcel Id's"
5. The "Rural Residential 2.5" land use classification has a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres.
6. The request is in alignment with the following goals and polices contained in the comprehensive plan:
Goal #1 - Require that new growth and development, especially in the areas adjacent to Brainerd and Baxter, maintains
a rural development pattern
Although the parcel is not adjacent to Brainerd and Baxter the proposed rezone to Rural-Residential follows the intent
and character of the surrounding area by maintaining a Rural Residential development pattern. A subsequent metes and bounds
subdivision/lot spilt application for the subject parcel will result in minimum lot size of 2.5 acres thereby matching the
Zoning designation to the West.
The Planning Commission voted to recommend that the Town Board approve the rezone request. Doug made a motion to approve
the rezone request number O.01-20 from Craig Feierabend for 24 acres at 8968 St. Mathias Road based on the six findings of
fact. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1264-1286 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report a crack sealing quote from Anderson Brothers was reviewed. Because the quote is over $25,000 a
second written quote must be requested. Tucker will seek another quote and if he receives it in the near future, a special
meeting to review the Quotes may be scheduled. There have been new entrance permits, on Sweet Road and Forest Heights Drive.
Tucker received a file with a map from Crow Wing County Land Services that shows all the roads in the township. He also asked
them if they had a road right-of-way map on file for the township. They do not have anything for Crow Wing Township but they
do have right-of-way information from other townships. Greg asked Tucker to find out which townships have given the county
right-of-way information so we can ask them how they obtained the information. Tucker asked if any complaints about all the
vehicles at Platinum Auto have been received. Brad stated that the owner has informed the township that the vehicles are
owned by individuals who are scheduling repairs or have not yet paid for repairs. There is damage to the fence on Sweet Road
along TH 371. Tucker will contact MNDOT to inform them about the fence damage. Tucker started sweeping roads but the PTO
shaft on the sweeper broke. He will get a new shaft and new wafers for the sweeper.
Under Communications the MATIT property insurance renewal was reviewed. There are no changes from last year. Greg made
a motion to pay the MATIT Property and Liability Insurance bill of $3,478.00. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0. The 2019
Crow Wing County Recycling Report is available on the county website. A thank you for the donation to the Crow Wing County
Historical Society was reviewed. The annual report for iron ore deposits in the township from the MN Dept. of Revenue Minerals
Tax Unit was reviewed. A notice about the Brainerd dam project and the sale of Potlatch Land to Crow Wing County that will
be part of the Camp Ripley buffer were reviewed.
Under Administrative Business a notice was received that the Crow Wing County Landfill will have an electronics collection
day on May 20, 2020 from 9 AM to 1 PM. Gerry will take the electronics that have been collected for recycling to the landfill.
A notice for an unemployment claim was received and the signature cards for Brainerd Savings and Loan and Crow Wing Power
Credit Union were signed by the township officers. The AWAIR Training and Road Tour are tabled.
The Township Insider magazine listed online classes that are available for newly elected supervisors. There is a three
part New Officer Training and a training for Managing Trees in the Right-of-Way. Greg made a motion to have Tucker take the
online classes. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2020 regular meeting, seconded by Greg. Motion passed
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting on April 23, 2020. Seconded
by Tucker. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.