Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
May 11, 2020 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Commission Members attending via telephone: Dan Lee, Paul Stephany, Nate Keller (New Planning & Zoning Administrator),
and Justin Burslie (Previous Planning & Zoning Administrator). Linda Schuety was absent.
Carol Wermter of 8332 50th Avenue and Craig Feierabend of 8968 St. Mathias Road joined the meeting via telephone.
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
There was one public hearing on the agenda. It was a rezone of property owned by Craig Feierabend. This is a continuation
from the last meeting and the applicant is requesting a rezone for parcel addressed as: 8968 St Mathias Rd and parcel ID of:
56230524. The subject parcel is 24 acres in size. The proposed rezone is to facilitate a lot spilt with the two Southern parcels
(Tract B and C) being zoned Rural Residential 2.5 and one larger parcel (Tract A) being rezoned to Rural Residential 10.
The future land use map indicates parcel as "Medium Density Residential". The suggested lot size for "Medium
Density Residential" is 2.5 acres. The future land use matches the proposed rezoning.
Staff Findings: Staff provides the following findings of fact for consideration:
1. The subject property is located at 8968 St. Mathias RD.
2. The future land map (contained in the comprehensive plan) identifies the subject property as "Medium Density Residential".
3. The future land use of "Medium Density Residential" has a suggested minimum lot size of 2.5 acres.
4. The rezone request is to:
a. Rezone parcel from Agricultural/Forestry to "Rural Residential 2.5 and Rural Residential 10 pursuant to an
approved lot spilt to convert the parcel from one to three separate parcels with three separate parcel Id's"
5. The "Rural Residential 2.5" land use classification has a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres.
6. The request is in alignment with the following goals and polices contained in the comprehensive plan:
Goal #1 - Require that new growth and development, especially in the areas adjacent to Brainerd and Baxter, maintains
a rural development pattern
Although the parcel is not adjacent to Brainerd and Baxter the proposed rezone to Rural-Residential follows the intent
and character of the surrounding area by maintaining a Rural Residential development pattern. A subsequent metes and bounds
subdivision/lot spilt application for the subject parcel will result in minimum lot size of 2.5 acres thereby matching the
Zoning designation to the West.
There will be a survey done and a metes and bounds description of the new parcels will determine the exact size of the
parcels for any future easements so they will be at least 2.5 acres but probably larger. Dan asked if there could be future
development in the larger parcel and Nate said it would need to come back to the Planning Commission before that would happen.
There were no other questions or comments. Doug Kern made a motion to recommend the rezone of the parcel addressed as: 8968
St Mathias Rd and parcel ID of: 56230524 to facilitate a lot spilt with the two Southern parcels (Tract B and C) being zoned
Rural Residential 2.5 and one larger parcel (Tract A) being rezoned to Rural Residential 10. Dan Lee seconded. Dan Lee voted
yes; Paul Stephany voted yes; Doug Kern voted yes; Brad Arnold voted yes. Motion passed 4-0.
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Under Open Forum Dave Peterson had a potential rezone on Parcel 56100546, 10374 Business Highway 371. Dave Peterson joined
the meeting via telephone. The parcel is approximately 10 acres and just NW of Ace Auto Sales. Mr. Peterson would like to
do a mixed-use development with commercial in front and multi-family single bedroom units in the rear. Multi-family uses
are a Conditional Use in C-1 districts. Dan said that the south end of the parcel is close to the auto auction business with
a narrow parcel also zoned C-1 between them. Increased traffic is also a concern and MNDOT would need to be contacted to
see what is allowed for an entrance to the property. Concerns about having residential property next to commercial property
have come up in the past and could be a concern depending on the type of screening between properties. Mr. Peterson will
talk in more detail with Nate and if he proceeds with the development will come back to the Planning Commission in the future.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 13, 2020 meeting with a correction on page 2 where TH 391 was changed
to TH 371. Seconded by Doug. Dan Lee voted yes; Paul Stephany voted yes; Doug Kern voted yes; Brad Arnold voted yes. Motion
passed 4-0.
Under New Business, noise complaints about North Central Speedway were discussed. Brad said that Cliff Sasker was planning
to attend the Town Board meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2020. The race track has been in the township for a long time. In the
past there was agreement on practice being held a few days of the week at certain times. Carol stated that North Central
is the only track in the state that is open so racers from all over the state have been coming here. Once racing starts the
practice sessions will become much less frequent. Brad suggested that the Town Board ask for a practice schedule from Cliff
that could be shared with concerned residents. Doug will bring the concerns to the Town Board. Justin stated that the track
was established before the county had any regulations on race tracks. If a practice schedule can be approved in writing,
any future changes would require a new conditional use permit and would go through the review process.
Old Business. The Comprehensive Plan Review Update was discussed. A better discussion will be had when the Planning
Commission can meet face-to-face. Justin said he may send out information for the Planning Commission to review for a future
meeting. There has been no response from the County Attorney or Probation Office about the Chad Jillson violation. Brad
suggested that the Engholm violation be removed from the violation list because the property is looking good now. Nothing
has been received from Wade Tomberlin about the list of items he needs to take care of. The neighbor's issues are a civil
matter and the township cannot do anything about it.
Under the P&Z Administrator's Report Nate stated that he has received two new single-family home permits on Lone Oak
Circle. There have been other inquiries and so things will begin to pick up. Nate may be unable to attend the next meeting
but Justin will be in attendance.
Brad brought up that the Town Board wants a road right-of-way ordinance adopted and it should be part of the Land Use
Ordinance. Justin stated that the road right-of-way is not part of the Land Use Ordinance and would need to be a stand-alone
There was no Town Board Correspondence to review.
Doug made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.