Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Tucker Schuety, Treasurer Sue Kern, and
Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge of allegiance was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business the Statement and Determination Regarding Conducting Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means
was discussed. The Planning Commission meeting on April 13, 2020 was conducted by telephone. Justin and Nate organized a
Webex meeting and it was not the same as a face-to-face meeting but did work. After discussion Doug made a motion to continue
Town Board meetings at the town hall with social distancing as appropriate. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
The current Road Maintenance Contract for the township expires on May 31, 2020. The contract was reviewed and a revision
to Exhibit A regarding road construction standards changing bituminous surfacing from 2 inches compacted for 7-ton roads was
changed to 2 ½ inches compacted on all roads. The cost of mowing road ditches with the township tractor and mower vs. contracted
mowing was discussed. It was determined that it is more economical for the township to continue mowing road ditches. Greg
made a motion to advertise for bids for Routine Winter and Summer Maintenance of all Township Roads from June 1, 2020 through
May 31, 2022. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Unfinished Business. Brad stated that there has been no response from the County Attorney or Probation Office concerning
the cleanup of the Chad Jillson property. The clerk was directed to send a letter to the County Attorney and Probation Office
to find out the status of the terms of probation regarding the property cleanup. Wade Tomberlin contacted the clerk about
getting the septic certificate on his outhouse updated. He was told they needed wait until the frost was out before the State
would be out to inspect the outhouse. Mr. Tomberlin said he expected to have it done by the May 12, 2020 Town Board meeting.
The Josh Neelan property appears to have more items on the road right-of-way. The Martin Copa property appears to have more
items also. Greg will contact the MPCA again about the violation. The updated Land Use Ordinance will have a right-of-way
policy included and once adopted, will give the township greater power to enforce cleanup of properties in violation.
Public Comments. Gerry Schuety asked if it was okay for him to drag the parking lot at the township park because of 4-wheelers
digging up the lot. The Board approved it. Brad has talked to Chad Knudsen at Wild Rice Depot about putting up a secure
bulletin board for township notices for the public. The current approved notice locations are the town hall and website with
special notices published in the Brainerd Dispatch. Greg made a motion to add Wild Rice Depot to the list of approved public
notice sites. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0. Blake Christopherson asked about having equipment parked at and building
a shop his property. Brad suggested he contact Nate Keller, Planning and Zoning Administrator, to get more information on
the process.
Brad reported on the Planning Commission meeting from April 13, 2020. There was a public hearing concerning the zoning
ordinance amendment on Family Care Homes and permitted districts for such use. This would bring the ordinance language into
compliance with state statute. A zoning ordinance amendment for Shooting range, firearms, archery, public or private and
permitted districts for such uses was also part of the public hearing. The Planning Commission recommended that the Town
Board adopt Ordinance No. 2020-01, Amending the Crow Wing Township Zoning Ordinance Land Use Table (Article 10.3) Regarding
Family Care Homes and Recreational Uses. Doug made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2020-01. Tucker seconded, motion passed.
The other public hearing was to rezone 24 acres at 8968 St. Mathias Road owned by Craig Feierabend from Agricultural/Forestry
to Rural Residential 2.5. The future land use map designates the parcel as Medium Density Residential which matches the proposed
rezoning. Public comments were received about concerns with the development affecting stormwater runoff to the Lone Oak area
which is a half mile north of the property. Mr. Feierabend wants to make three lots from the 24 acres with frontage on St.
Mathias Road. This could be accomplished by rezoning to two small parcels and one larger parcel. Mr. Feierabend will change
his rezoning request and bring it to the next Planning Commission meeting.
The other item brought to the Planning Commission was an inquiry about rezoning property at 8785 State Highway 371 from
Rural Residential 2.5 to Commercial 1 or Commercial 2 in order to have a secondhand retail operation on the site. After discussion
the owners will consider doing their business as a home based business instead.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1251-1263 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report Tucker said the township tractor is repaired and he has picked it up. He asked about being able
to trim tree limbs that are hanging over the driving surface of town roads. Right-of-way needs to be clear of obstructions
so Tucker will trim branches that are a hazard to traffic. There is a wood pile in the right-of-way at 5640 Estate Drive
SW and the clerk was instructed to send a letter to the property owner to remove the wood pile from the ROW. Tucker asked
if the township had a current road map of the township with all roads shown. Greg suggested he ask the Crow Wing County GIS
Department to provide one. There are potholes and some large cracks on some roads and Greg suggested Tucker contact Anderson
Brothers Construction or Rob Hall at the County Highway Department to get information on crack filling.
Under Communications a letter about the COVID 19 response from Sheriff Scott Goddard was reviewed. A letter was received
from County Administrator Tim Houle about property tax abatements that will delay the township's revenue from property taxes.
A notice from Land Services about the sealed bid timber auction was reviewed. Ryan Simonson from Land Services sent a notice
about the county recycling program being changed to just two locations, one at the landfill and one at the Ideal Transfer
Station. The Crow Wing County Committee of the Whole will discuss the issue at their meeting on May 19, 2020.
Greg made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-01, authorizing Doug Kern to work with the cemetery for next year. Tucker
seconded, motion passed 2-0, Doug abstaining. Greg made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-02, authorizing Tucker Schuety
to work with the roads for next year. Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0, Tucker abstaining. Tucker made a motion to adopt
Resolution 2020-03, designating township officers as authorized signatures on Crow Wing Township bank accounts. Doug seconded,
motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to table until a later date setting the AWAIR Training and Road Tour dates.
Crow Wing County asked if the Board of Adjustment and Equalization meeting which will be held on April 23, 2020 should
be a virtual meeting or on-site at the town hall. After discussion Doug made a motion to have the meeting on-site. Tucker
seconded, motion passed 3-0. The Crow Wing County Association of Township Officers meeting that was to be held on April 27,
2020 at the Law Enforcement Center has been canceled.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the March 24, 2020 regular meeting, seconded by Greg. Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.