Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
April 13, 2020 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Commission Members attending via telephone: Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Nate Keller (New Planning & Zoning
Administrator), and Justin Burslie (Previous Planning & Zoning Administrator).
Carol Wermter of 8332 50th Avenue and Matt Wenz of 8802 St. Mathias Road joined the meeting via telephone.
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
There were three public hearings on the agenda. The first was a rezone of property owned by Craig Feierabend. Mr. Feierabend
attended by telephone. The applicant is requesting a rezone for parcel addressed as 8968 St. Mathias Rd and parcel ID 56230524.
The subject parcel is 24 acres in size. The proposed rezone would result in the parcel going from Agricultural/Forestry (current
zoning) to Rural Residential 2.5 (proposed zoning). The future land use map indicates parcel as "Medium Density Residential".
The suggested lot size for "Medium Density Residential" is 2.5 acres. The future land use matches the proposed rezoning.
A public comment was received expressing concerns over the increased density of the area, increased traffic, and change
to the rural character of the neighborhood. Another comment was received with the same concerns. Doug received a call about
a concern from a resident on Lone Oak Road about storm water pooling in his yard and the increased density would create more
storm water running over to Lone Oak Road. Mr. Feierabend doesn't think the storm water from his property would get to the
Lone Oak area. He said he only plans to create three lots on the property with frontage on St. Mathias Road. There are not
any plans for further development of the property. Minimum lot width requirements on the county road limit the rezone to
three lots on St. Mathias Road. Any further development would require a separate access to the back of the property. A storm
water management plan would be required for more development of the property. Justin said that a portion of the property
could be rezoned to Rural Residential 2.5 and the rest Rural Residential 10. Mr. Feierabend was agreeable to that change
and will change his rezone request and bring it back to the next meeting.
Under public comments Carol Wermter asked if the existing home was included in this 24 acre rezone request. Craig said
it was included. Matt Wenz asked if he could see a breakdown of the proposed rezoning. Justin stated it would be available
before a decision is made. Dan Lee made a motion to table the rezone request by Craig Feierabend for the 24 acre parcel at
8968 St. Mathias Road pending the revised rezone application. Doug Kern seconded. Linda Schuety voted yes; Dan Lee voted
yes; Paul Stephany voted yes; Doug Kern voted yes; Brad Arnold voted yes. Motion passed 5-0.
The next public hearing was for a Zoning ordinance amendment on "Family Care Homes" and permitted districts
for such use and a Zoning ordinance amendment for "Shooting range, fire arms, archery, public or private" and permitted
districts for such uses. The purpose of this ordinance amendment is to amend the land use table (Article 10.3) to allow Family
Care Homes as a permitted use in all residential districts to match State Statute and to allow for "Shooting range, fire
arms, archery, public or private" as a Conditional Use in the C-2 District.
Amendment: Article 10.3 "Land Use Table" and Article 46.2 "Definition" are hereby added as follows:
Definitions (to add)
a residential dwelling or structure which provides services and programs pursuant to MN Statute 144D and 245A.11.
Definitions (to eliminate)
A facility which provides residential services for individuals that are handicapped, aged, disabled,
or undergoing rehabilitation. This includes uses such as homes for the physically handicapped, mentally retarded, chemically
dependent, foster children, maternity shelters and half-way houses.
Doug Kern made a motion to amend the Land Use table to add Family Care Home as a permitted use and add shooting range,
fire arms, archery, public or private as a conditional use. Dan Lee seconded. Linda Schuety voted yes; Dan Lee voted yes;
Paul Stephany voted yes; Doug Kern voted yes; Brad Arnold voted yes. Motion passed 5-0.
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Open forum - nothing.
Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 9, 2020 meeting as written. Seconded by Dan. Linda Schuety voted
yes; Dan Lee voted yes; Paul Stephany voted yes; Doug Kern voted yes; Brad Arnold voted yes. Motion passed 5-0.
Under New Business, Chairperson Greg Smith's Statement and Determination Regarding Conducting Meetings by Telephone or
Other Electronic Means was discussed. Because of the COVID19 pandemic the township is authorized to hold meetings by telephone
or other electronic means.
Desirae Christensen and Shane Christensen joined the meeting by phone to discuss a rezone from Rural Residential 2.5 to
Commercial (either C-1 or C-2) for a secondhand retail thrift store at 8785 TH 371. They plan to build a 40' X 60' pole shed
by the house on the property. Brad stated that the area residents have had concerns about road access, off street parking,
separation from residences and hours of operation when other commercial zoning requests have come up. Justin said that over
the past few years there have been inquiries about commercial development along TH 371. With the current zoning it has been
difficult to get rezoning done. One option is a home based business instead of rezoning. A conditional use permit would
be required and the business owner would need to reside on the property. Dan and Linda both expressed concerns about parking,
traffic flow and neighbors issues with the business. Desirae said the business would be open mostly on weekends and until
6 pm or 7 pm in the evening. The Comprehensive Plan revision will address the issue of the TH 371 corridor being zoned residential
or commercial.
Old Business. The Comprehensive Plan Review Update was reviewed. Justin and Nate included information in the meeting
packet about Land Use Classifications and where they might apply in the township. The Planning Commission will review the
information and discuss it at a future meeting.
There has been no new information about current land use violations.
Under the P&Z Administrator's Report Nate stated that he has received two new single-family home permits on Lone Oak
Circle. There have been other inquiries and so things will begin to pick up.
There was no Town Board Correspondence to review.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM.