Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Elect Tucker Schuety, Treasurer Sue Kern,
and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Supervisor Tucker Schuety was sworn in as Supervisor and Duane Ruona was sworn in as Clerk.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Tucker seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Elect chair and vice chair. After discussion, Doug made a motion to elect Greg chairman of the town board for this year,
Tucker seconded. Motion passed 2-1. Greg made a motion to elect Tucker vice-chairman. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Donations recommended during the annual meeting were discussed. Doug made a motion to approve donations of $1,500 to
Zone One First Responders; $1,500 to the Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center; $250 to Crisis Line and Referral; $1,000 to
Crow Wing County Fair Association; and $250 to the Crow Wing County Historical Society as approved at the annual meeting.
Greg seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
The Minnesota Benefit Association Life Insurance annual renewal statement was discussed. The annual premium of $405.00
is for a $5,000 Life Insurance benefit for current township officers. After discussion Greg made a motion to approve the
MBA Life Insurance billing for current township officers, removing Dave Schultz and adding Tucker Schuety to the plan. Doug
seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under Unfinished Business current property violations were discussed. Dave Schultz said he drove past a number of problem
properties and it seemed to him that they have gotten worse. Doug said that the proposed Right-of-Way Ordinance was passed
out at the annual meeting and will be part of the public hearing for the Land Use Ordinance changes that the Planning Commission
is currently working on.
Under Public Comments Linda Schuety asked about the property on the north side of Brandon Way across from Mark Heishman
with the 3 campers and other items on the property. Greg said it will be looked at.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1229-1250 were reviewed and approved.
Wade Tomberlin was present to discuss his property violation. He injured his leg last fall so wasn't able to do much
cleanup then. He said he was waiting for the snow to melt to continue cleaning up the property this spring. He has taken
a load to the landfill and instead of paying for weekly garbage pickup he takes his garbage to the landfill also. Mr. Tomberlin
had a copy of his septic compliance certificate. Greg noted that it expired in 2014. Wade said he will call the MPCA office
to get a current certificate. He will get the township a copy of the new certificate.
Under the Road Report Tucker said he will handle Road Supervisor duties. Dave said the township tractor isn't fixed yet.
It still will not run at full throttle after it warms up. It has been at the mechanic's garage since last fall. The mechanic
was going to search for a way to fix the fuel problem.
Under Communications the letter about the Brainerd Dam Project was reviewed. The clerk will update Crow Wing County and
the Minnesota Townships Association with the new supervisor information. Dave received notice that the Anderson Brothers
Annual Township/City Forum has been canceled. The request from Crow Wing County Land Services about right-of-way information
on Wetherbee Road was discussed. Dave didn't know of any maps or documents that the township has with that information.
There was no opposition to Crow Wing County Land Services' "Non-Conservation" classification on the sale of tax-forfeited
land in the township.
Reorganizational items were reviewed. Doug was appointed to the Planning Commission and as Cemetery Actuary. Tucker
was appointed as Road Supervisor. Greg was appointed to the Fire Advisory Board.
Doug made a motion to keep the town depositories the same: Crow Wing Power and Brainerd Savings and Loan. Greg seconded,
motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to continue with the two designated posting sites (town hall as the official site and on the Crow Wing
Township website) with required special notices in the Brainerd Dispatch. Greg seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Greg made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as printed and presented at the annual meeting. Doug seconded, motion
passed 3-0.
Greg made a motion to keep the following policies and fees the same and change Gopher Bounty from $1.50 to $2.00:
Beaver Bounty-$40
Gopher Bounty-$2.00
Use of Personal Equipment-$15 per hour, with a minimum of $15
Use of Personal Skidsteer-$40 per hour, with a minimum of $40
AWAIR Meeting Rate-$25
Annual Meeting Moderator-$25
Cemetery Actuary-$25/per job
Hourly Employment-$20 per hour
Lawn Mowing, Handyman, Cleaning Person-$20 per hour
Wages for township employees and committee members:
Supervisors-$65/month and $100 per meeting
Treasurer-$350/month and $100 per meeting
Clerk-$900/month and $100 per meeting
Planning Commission Chair/Members-$60/$50 per meeting
Inspection Fee for P&Z Violations at $50 for each Planning Commission member present
Election Judges-$15 per hour for head judge; $13 per hour for other judges (includes township employees).
Notary Stamp-free at meetings.
Title Searches-free unless by mail then $25 fee will be charged.
Entry Permits-$50.
Photocopies-first 10 free, $0.25 per page thereafter.
Town Hall and Park Rental & Deposit-$30 resident, $60 non-resident; deposit $250
Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to pay Recycling Workers $75 per Saturday (9am-12pm) as long as Recycling Funds are available and Crow
Wing County keeps the dumpsters at the town hall. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Setting of the AWAIR Training and Road Tour dates was tabled.
Under Announcements the Board of Equalization meeting will be held on April 23, 2020 at the town hall and the Crow Wing
County Association of Township Officers meeting will be held on April 27, 2020 at the Law Enforcement Center.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2020 special meeting, seconded by Greg. Motion passed
A motion was made by Greg to approve the minutes of the February 28, 2020 regular meeting, seconded by Tucker. Motion
passed 3-0.
After discussion about the painting of the meeting room and hallway of the town hall, Greg made a motion to also paint
the bathrooms and utility room. Tucker seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.