Annual Meeting March 10, 2020
Crow Wing Township held its annual town meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 8:30 PM at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present
were township clerk Duane Ruona and those on the attached roster.
Duane called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Duane gave opening comments sharing the purpose of the annual township meeting "the people's meeting", and how
it is run by the residents, not the town board. He also explained the need to elect a moderator and outlined the role of
the moderator.
Doug Kern nominated Kathleen Lordbock as moderator. Brad Arnold seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations.
Ginny Rogers made a motion to elect Kathleen as moderator. Dan Lee seconded, motion passed.
The first item was to agree to an end time to the meeting, reconvening if necessary to complete business. Linda Schuety
made a motion to end at 10:00 PM or earlier. Doug Kern seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Copies of the agenda were available to all that wanted one. Kathleen asked if there were any additions or changes to
the printed agenda. There were none. Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Brad seconded, motion passed.
The minutes of the March 12, 2019 Annual meeting were read by Duane. Brad made a motion to accept the minutes as read,
Linda seconded, motion passed.
Duane read the election results:
Office of Supervisor: Tucker Schuety 27 votes
Paul Stephany 19 votes
Office of Clerk: Duane Ruona 46 votes
Duane read the board of audit report for 2019, copies of which were available to those in the audience.
Doug Kern gave the road report. He presented the current five year road plan. On Saturday March 7th a special Town Board
meeting was held to approve the construction base bid for 110th Street, Forest Heights Drive, Black Bear Trail, Black Bear
Circle and Forest Heights Circle as well as the Alternate Bid for Boulder Court, Sand Creek Circle and Stonewood Court. All
are part of Crow Wing County Projects on CR 123 and CR 153 (Greenwood Street) and total township cost is $408,755.84. The
five year plan will be reviewed each year and adjustments made as necessary. Copies of the Proposed Town Road ROW Ordinance
were available for the residents to review and a public hearing will be held at a later date for comments from residents.
A question was asked about the large difference in receipts and disbursements for the Road & Bridge Fund in 2019. The
bill of $263,885.73 for the Sweet Road and 50TH Street reconstruction in 2019 was not paid until January 2020. A question
was asked about filling cracks on 50th Street. All township roads will be done in the future.
Brad gave the planning commission report. The current Comprehensive Plan was done in 2005 and the Planning Commission
is reviewing and updating the plan. When the 2020 census information becomes available it will be incorporated in the plan.
A public hearing will be held when the update is complete. The Land Use Map will also be updated and the TH 371 corridor
will probably be left as is and could be changed at a later date as development occurs. A Township Cleanup Day is being talked
about. The Planning Commission meets the second Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the town hall and Nate Keller or Justin
Burslie is available at the town hall each Wednesday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM for anyone to come in and discuss P&Z issues.
Nate is also available by phone, email or appointment. A question about annexation of property by the City of Brainerd was
asked. Brad stated that a policy about orderly annexation is being discussed. 23 permits were issued in 2019 which is below
the average of the past 10 years. 8 new homes were included in those permits. If anyone has concerns about speeding vehicles
in the township Brad asked residents to call the Sheriff Department so they are aware of the problem.
Doug Kern gave the recycling report. He asked if there was interest in have a cleanup day. A number of residents were
in favor. Crow Wing County is taking over all the recycling programs in the county. Beginning in February 2020 the county
is paying the Waste Management and Waste Partner bills for the recycling dumpsters located at the town hall. The township
has enough money left in the Recycling Fund to pay the township workers through December 2020. The county is consolidating
recycling locations in the county so the future of our recycling location is up in the air.
Doug Kern gave the cemetery report. The current lot prices are: $300 for inside lots for township residents; $500 for
roadside lots for township residents; and $1,200 for any lots sold to non-residents. These prices are still very reasonable
compared to other cemeteries in the area. Some trees had to be cleaned up last summer. One large tree appears to be dying
and may have to be taken down in the future.
Doug Kern read the proposed 2021 levy amounts to be approved. General Fund $61,000; Fire Fund $60,000; and Road &
Bridge Fund $300,000 for a total of $421,000. Brad Arnold made a motion to approve the requested levy amount of $421,000,
Linda Schuety seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Brad made a motion to keep township notice posting sites the same (town hall, website & special meetings in the Brainerd
Dispatch), Ginny Rogers seconded. Under discussion Brad stated that he would contact Chad Knudson at Wild Rice Depot to ask
about putting up a bulletin board for township notices. Motion passed.
The amount paid for gopher bounties was discussed. Tom Mertens stated that St. Mathias pays $2.00 for gophers. Brad
made a motion that gopher bounties be raised to $2.00. Linda seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Brad made a motion that beaver bounties be raised to $35.00. Linda seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Donation requests for 2020 were presented. Kathleen read the letters that have been received asking for donations. Zone
One First Responders was represented by Chance Fiebing and he stated that funds for training and equipment is needed. Zone
One responded to 282 calls in 2019. 49 were in Crow Wing Township. Brad made a motion to approve $1500 for the Zone 1 First
Responders. Doug seconded. Motion passed.
Lakes Area Pregnancy Center had a donation request. Ginny Rogers spoke about what the center does for people in the area.
Clients have to complete life coaching, parenting classes and other life skills to receive benefits. Doug made a motion to
approve a $1500 donation to the Lakes Area Pregnancy Center, Linda seconded. Motion passed.
A letter from Crisis Line and Referral Service was read. They deal with suicide prevention, including training for township
residents, fire and first responders or other businesses. Doug made a motion to give a $250 donation to Crisis Line. Linda
seconded. Motion passed.
The Crow Wing County Fair Association was represented by Rick Jaeger and he stated that they are currently dealing with
the buildings at the fairgrounds which are requiring attention & maintenance. Last year's donation of $1,000 was used
for the floor in the Youth Arts Building. Randy Powers asked if the beer garden provided income to the fair. Rick said the
fair made $3,000 last year from the beer garden. Most of their income is from parking. There is only one AED available at
the fairgrounds and the Fair Board is asking for a donation so they can purchase additional AEDs. Brad made a motion to approve
a $1000 donation to the Crow Wing County Fair Association to be used toward the purchase of an AED. Doug seconded. Motion
The Crow Wing County Historical Society requested a donation of $250. Doug made a motion to approve a $250 donation to
the Crow Wing County Historical Society, Linda seconded. Motion passed.
Kathleen read letters from Crow Wing County Drug Court and Crow Wing County DWI Court, each asking for a $100 donation.
Doug made a motion to donate $0 to the Crow Wing County Drug Court and Crow Wing County DWI Court. Brad seconded. It was
suggested that a note be sent to them asking that a representative come to the Annual Meeting to explain the programs. Motion
Duane stated that next year's township election will be on March 9, 2021, hours to be from 2 PM-8 PM, followed by the
canvass meeting at 8:15 PM and the annual meeting at 8:30 PM. Kathleen asked why the election and hours had to be the same
each year. Ginny stated that the township population determines the voting hours and by State Statute all townships in Minnesota
are required to have their Annual Meeting on the second Tuesday of March. Brad made a motion to have the township election
on March 9, 2021, hours to be from 2 PM-8 PM, followed by the canvass meeting at 8:15 PM and the annual meeting at 8:30 PM.
Doug seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The Town Board meeting dates for 2020-2021 were reviewed.
Brainerd Fire Chief Tim Holmes spoke to the audience about the Fire Contract with the City of Brainerd. The 2021 assessment
will go up slightly. Their budget went up 0.9%. The township population, number of calls, and building valuation determine
the assessment. They responded to 16 calls in our township. He said they would bring a truck out if the township had a community
event. There are no plans to expand the fire department into this area. Long Lake Township will put in a well that the Fire
Department can use to fill their tankers. This could serve our township as well.
There was no other business.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Randy seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.