Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
March 9, 2020 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Nate Keller (New Planning &
Zoning Administrator), Justin Burslie (Previous Planning & Zoning Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and
Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no public hearings.
Justin asked that discussion about the Joel Brodt property be added to the agenda.
Debra Thompson, Mark Hallkamp, and Jon Lanz were present to discuss a new business they want to start at 9171 Wetherbee
Road in an existing commercial building. They propose to start an axe throwing entertainment business similar to others in
the state. Justin stated that axe throwing doesn't fall into any of the uses in the current Land Use Ordinance so he asked
them to come to a Planning Commission meeting. They plan to have league competition as well as individual recreational competition.
They plan to be open 35 to 40 hours per week from about 3-5 pm to 11-12 pm. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays. All activity would
be inside the building. They want to start with 6 lanes, could be up to 50 people there at one time. The building is large
enough for future expansion. They would also offer other games such as bean bag toss. The state and county would need to
be contacted for them to be able to serve wine and beer at the facility. Justin stated that a shooting range (firearms or
archery) is in the ordinance, but this is different. Brad stated that the traffic and late closing are concerns that a nearby
resident could raise. Brad suggested that they contact the nearby residents to let them know of the business and get their
opinions on it. Justin said that an Ordinance Amendment could be made and then a Conditional Use Permit be required so the
township can monitor the business.
Doug made a motion for a Land Use Ordinance Amendment for this use as a Conditional Use in a C-2 District and hold a public
hearing next month for it and for the ordinance update for Group Care Facilities. Linda seconded, motion passed 5-0.
Open forum - nothing.
Doug made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 10, 2020 meeting as written. Seconded by Linda. Motion passed
Under New Business, the Joel Brodt property was discussed. He contacted Justin about holding outdoor activities for adults
and kids on the property. Some themed activities could be a harvest festival, BBQ Fest over the 4th of July, or Octoberfest.
He may have street vendor carts on the grounds to support the activity. Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be available.
Portable sewage receptacles and garbage receptacles would be onsite and all parking would be onsite. The property is currently
zoned C-2. The current Nuisance Ordinance could be used to police some of the concerns. It was suggested that Mr. Brott
notify the township whenever he plans to have an event. Justin will send him a letter stating the items of concern.
Under old business the Comprehensive Plan was discussed. Justin reviewed copies of demographic data from the American
Community Survey of 2016. The demographic data for the township will be updated when the 2020 census data becomes available.
The township population increased by 67.5% from 2000 to 2016. The population is expected to continue growing by 2030. Housing
units increased from 438 in 2000 to 803 in 2016. Of those 747 were occupied (called households). By 2030 the number of households
is expected to increase to 860. 95% of housing units are owner-occupied with 5% being rental units. The Median Household
Income in 2016 was $61,696. Crow Wing County had a Median Household Income of $50,893. Information from the Crow Wing County
Housing Study was also reviewed.
The current Future Land Use Map was reviewed. Medium Density Residential zoning is shown along county roads. Rural-Urban
Transition is shown along TH 371 and Business 371 from the highway interchange towards Brainerd and Baxter. Low Density Preservation
and Rural Preservation is shown on the west and south portions of the township. The question of how TH 371 south of the interchange
should be zoned was discussed. Brad stated that if the area was designated as commercial development, the township would
need to have frontage/backage roads in place as well as other infrastructure. MNDOT regulates access to TH 371 so any development
there needs to comply with their regulations. The northwest part of the township has a lot of small lots in that area and
should probably be Medium Density Residential. Dan said that most residents don't want these areas changed from Low Density
Preservation. Paul suggested that we put together a current map of parcels so everyone can see what is actually there currently.
Then the future use of the township areas would be easier to project. Justin will put together updated information for review
at the next meeting.
There has been no new information about current land use violations.
P&Z Administrator's Report. Things have been quiet lately but there have been recent inquiries so things will begin
to pick up.
There was no Town Board Correspondence to review.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM.