Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona. Supervisor
Dave Schultz was absent.
Greg called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Discussion followed about adding Town Hall flooring under new business. Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Greg seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Tucker Schuety had quotes for replacement carpeting for the meeting area and tile flooring for the entry area from Tykes
Carpet. After discussion, Greg made a motion to accept the Quote of $3,665.36 from Tykes Carpet for removing and replacing
the meeting room carpeting and entry area tile. Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0. Doug and Sue will coordinate the flooring,
tile and painting of the meeting room.
The Board audited the receipts and disbursements for 2019 and selected several items at random to examine the deposits,
checks and related documents. There were no irregularities found. Greg made a motion to accept the 2019 Board of Audit form
as presented. Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0. The 2019 Board of Audit form was signed and will be posted for the public.
Under Unfinished Business there has been no new information received about the current violations.
Under Public Comments Tucker Schuety asked if the township would be doing another newsletter. The Town Board will consider
this in the future. Doug said he has not heard back from the website development person he knows about getting information
on changing to a different website provider.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1217-1228 were reviewed and approved.
Under the Road Report Greg stated that Brad has pushed back the snow on some cul-de-sacs.
Under Communications the Brainerd Fire Service 2021 assessment is $60,363.96, an increase of 1.78% from the 2020 amount
of $59,310.82. The Minnesota Benefits Association bill for group life insurance will be discussed after the township election.
The Annual Meeting Agenda was reviewed and discussed. Greg made a motion to approve the 2020 Annual Meeting Agenda.
Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0.
Under Announcements the MAT Spring Short Course agenda for the training in Breezy Point on March 23, 2020 was reviewed.
Doug made a motion to allow the town board members to attend the meeting. Greg seconded, motion passed 2-0.
The Crow Wing County Association of Township Officers meeting will be held on April 27, 2020 at the Law Enforcement Center.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of February 11, 2020 as corrected, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 2-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.