Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
February 10, 2020 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Nate Keller (New Planning &
Zoning Administrator), Justin Burslie (Previous Planning & Zoning Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and
Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no public hearings.
Brad added discussion about a recent new development to the agenda.
Open forum - nothing.
Doug made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 13, 2020 meeting as written. Seconded by Paul. Motion passed
Under New Business, office hours were discussed. The current schedule of a Planning and Zoning Administrator being at
the town hall each Wednesday from 1-3 pm will continue. Justin and Nate will alternate weeks at the town hall.
Under old business the Comprehensive Plan was discussed. Brad found a 1992 version of the township Comprehensive Plan
and a 1980 South Area Planning Study that he gave to Nate to review as a historical perspective on the planning process in
our area. As part of the agenda Justin had a list of potential sites/people/activities to be included as photographs in the
comprehensive plan. Brad suggested adding the township cemetery, park, and mining history to the list.
Section IV. Goals & Strategies was reviewed. Goal 8-All properties in the township should maintain a basic level
of appearance that is neat and non-offensive. People have a different view of what is non-offensive to them. Dan suggested
that the current land use ordinance should be referenced in this section. Brad stated that something that negatively affects
a neighbor's property and value could be considered as offensive. Current property violations have been complaint driven.
The township has had a cleanup day in the past. A lot of items were brought in and the township paid to get them to the landfill.
A lot of appliances are being brought to the dumpsters in front of Crow Wing Recycling. Educating the public about that service
should be promoted.
Goal 9-The Township should work to preserve hunting opportunities within the Township while safeguarding Township residents.
The only areas currently available for public hunting are county and state properties. The county Land Department has posted
lands that are available for hunting and trails available for public use.
Goal 10-Position the Township so that it is thoroughly involved in annexation decisions by adjacent municipalities. The
township should work to create Orderly Annexation Agreements with adjacent municipalities. Justin brought up that the township
could organize as a city to stop other municipalities from annexing property in the township.
Goal 11-Work to establish better communication between the Crow Wing County government and the Township government. Brad
felt that there has been improvement in the dealings between the township and county in recent years.
Goal 12-For the benefit of Township residents, increase the influence of the Township government on the use and management
of public lands. Brad felt that this should be incorporated with Goal 9. The amount of public lands has been reduced and
the county has implemented many of the strategies listed under this goal.
The township owns 80 acres just north of town hall. Should the township promote the public use of that property? Under
Goal 2 should the township ask the Sheriff to attend meetings on a regular basis to keep the township informed about issues
in the area? Next month the demographic data and development along the Business 371 corridor will be discussed.
Brad has had the question about the development of the lots in Oak Ridge South. There is interest in selling two lots
for one residence which would result in fewer than seven homes being built there. The current developer's agreement states
that the township will take over the road after 2/3 of the lots are developed. This may come up in the future.
Group Care Facility Ordinance discussion. Nate suggested that the current ordinance be updated to reference state statute.
The state regulates Group Care Facilities. Motion by Doug to table the issue until the township has a future public hearing.
Seconded by Dan. Passed 5-0.
Brad received an inquiry about placing a mobile home on existing site that has a sewer system and well. Brad told the
individual to contact Justin or Nate about the process.
A follow up inspection at the Fletcher property by the Planning Commission will be scheduled for April or May. The Jillson
and Tomberlin violations have been sent to the attorneys and no updates have been received.
P&Z Administrator's Report. Justin had an inquiry from Joel Brott about hosting a public event at his property at
8577 Highway 371. Justin asked him to come before the Planning Commission with more information about the event.
There was no Town Board Correspondence to review.
Paul made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.