Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona. Supervisor
Dave Schultz was absent.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Discussion followed about adding Town Hall Flooring and Doug's report about the Crow Wing County Highway Department meeting
he attended under new business. Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Greg seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
New Business. Doug reported that the County Highway Department is requesting cities and townships send them the amounts
of salt/sand and culverts and other materials that will be purchased from the county in 2020. The clerk will look at past
years purchases and send the form to Jory Danielson. Greg had asked Brad Gorron to push back the cul-de-sac at Town Hall
Street. It hasn't been done yet so Greg will call him again or call Shawn Fletcher about doing it if Brad isn't able to.
The town hall parking lot snow banks also should be pushed back at the same time because of the upcoming elections. Greg
stated that the town hall carpeting and tile should be replaced. The light outside the entry door should also be looked at.
Tucker Schuety will get a quote to replace the carpet and entry tile.
Under Unfinished Business Brad talked about the current violations. No new information has been received from the county
attorney or probation office about the Jillson violation. The township attorney has been instructed to write a letter to
Wade Tomberlin about his property violation. The clerk will contact Dan Hawley to get a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Tomberlin.
There have been no new developments on the other violations.
The Planning Commission worked on revisions to the comprehensive plan at their last meeting. The process will be continued
at future meetings. Brad has had a question about the development of the lots in Oak Ridge South and the township taking
over the road. There is interest in selling two lots for one residence which would result in fewer than seven homes being
built there. The current developer's agreement states that the township will take over the road after 2/3 of the lots are
developed. This may come up at a future meeting. The current schedule of a Planning and Zoning Administrator being at the
town hall each Wednesday from 1-3 pm will continue. Justin and Nate will alternate weeks at the town hall. A township cleanup
day was discussed. The issue will be added to the Annual Meeting agenda. Brad suggested that a request be made to the Sheriff
Department for a representative to come to the annual meeting to discuss issues in the township.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1201-1216 were reviewed and approved.
Under communications a request from the Census Bureau to confirm the township boundaries was received. Greg made a motion
to have the clerk complete and send in the form. Doug seconded, motion passed. A rate increase notice from CenterPoint Energy
was received.
There was discussion about the date of the next Town Board meeting. Greg will be gone on March 4th and the clerk will
be gone until February 28th. Doug made a motion to hold the next Town Board meeting at 5:30 PM on Friday February 28, 2020
and the reorganizational meeting on March 24, 2020. Greg seconded, motion passed 2-0.
Under Administrative Business a notice was received from Crow Wing County setting the Board of Equalization meeting for
10 AM on April 23rd at the town hall. Greg signed the Cost Share Agreement for the construction projects in 2020 with Crow
Wing County. The clerk will ask Mark Melby when the township needs to notify the county about accepting or rejecting the
Alternate Bid roads included in the agreement.
Greg made a motion to appoint Randy Powers to the Board of Canvas for the township election on March 10th. Doug seconded,
motion passed 2-0.
The 2019 Board of Audit will be held at the regular Town Board meeting on February 28, 2020.
The clerk informed the board that Nate asked to have the Township Land Use Ordinance posted on the township website.
That could take many hours because of the editing required with the current website program. The current website provider
no longer provides any help or upgrades and the content cannot be copied to another provider's website. Brad stated that
he has heard from residents that the website should be updated. Doug said he would contact someone he knows who does website
development to get information about changing to a different website provider.
The Crow Wing County Association of Township Officers meeting will be held on April 27, 2020 at the Law Enforcement Center.
The Clerk will be out of state from February 18th through February 27th.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of January 14, 2020, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 2-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.