Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona. Supervisor
Dave Schultz was absent.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda. Greg seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
There was nothing under New Business.
Under Unfinished Business Brad talked about the current violations. No new information has been received from the county
about the Jillson violation. The township attorney has been instructed to write a letter to Wade Tomberlin about his property
violation. Brad found an old Crow Wing County ordinance related to impounding abandoned vehicles. Greg suggested that this
ordinance be sent to the MAT attorney for an opinion on whether the township could enact such an ordinance. Brad stated that
there will be ordinance revisions when the Comprehensive Plan is updated and a public hearing will be required to make the
Under Public Comments Gerry Schuety notified the Board that he will have a knee replacement on February 4, 2020. Greg
made a motion to have Tucker Schuety and Linda Schuety cover the township duties normally performed by Gerry until he is able
to resume them. Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0. A message was received about sawdust on the grounds and buildings. Brad
checked on it and after Fletcher was shut down for the holidays the startup process was out of sync for a short while and
that was why the sawdust was blowing around.
Planning Commission Report. Nate Keller and Justin Burslie will both continue to come to the meetings until the Comprehensive
Plan is updated. There is a recordkeeping change due to new rules being enacted so all the permit and ordinance information
will be given to the township. New permits will be forwarded to the township on a regular basis. Adding language to the
Comprehensive Plan concerning an orderly annexation process that is fair to all parties will be considered.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1180-1200 were reviewed and approved.
Road Report. Greg checked the complaint about ice on Arielle Drive and called Brad Gorron to sand it. All roads are
ice covered and it will be a while before the ice will be gone.
Under communications the county recycling update from Ryan Simonson was discussed. The county will keep all funds for
2020 and the township is supposed to keep paying the bill until the funds are depleted and then forward the bills to Crow
Wing County to pay. The county will be negotiating contracts in the future for recycling haulers and will determine which
recycling locations will continue to be used. Because of the success of having two recycling workers working the first and
third Saturdays each month the township would like to continue the practice. Doug made a motion to have the township continue
paying the recycling workers from the Recycling Fund until the funds are exhausted. Greg seconded, motion passed.
A notice of a legal seminar by attorneys Couri & Ruppe was received. The clerk received a request from the Census
Bureau for the yearly update on new homes in the township. The clerk will fill out and send in the request.
Under Administrative Business the contract for election services in 2020 was signed by the chairman and clerk.
Approval of election judges for the upcoming township election was discussed. Greg made a motion to approve the current
list of qualified, trained election judges on file with the township to act as election judges and absentee ballot judges
for elections in 2020. Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0.
January 14, 2020 is the last day to file for the township election. The Board of Equalization training for township supervisors
needs to be completed this month.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of December 10, 2019, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 2-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.