Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona. Supervisor
Dave Schultz was absent.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda. Greg seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were 15 gopher bounties from Sarah Beierman of 9903 Ravenswood Road.
Under New Business D-K Investments was not at the meeting to discuss Remington Way snow plowing. It is not a township
road at this time. Ed Loesch at the end of Crow Wing Heights has had snow pushed on his driveway off the township road.
Greg will contact Brad Gorron about plowing cul-de-sacs. Gerry Schuety will take the township truck to his place for the
winter so he can respond to issues that come up this winter.
Under unfinished business Brad talked about the Wade Tomberlin violation. Brad has received more complaints from the
Wade Tomberlin neighbors about issues with Mr. Tomberlin. Doug Kern and Paul Stephany did a site visit on October 14, 2019.
Wade was not present for the site inspection. The township is still waiting for proof of a garbage pickup service, certification
of a compliant sewer system, and some tires and other items that need to be cleaned up. The Planning Commission recommended
that the township attorney send a letter to Mr. Tomberlin. Greg made a motion to have the clerk contact attorney Dan Hawley
to send a letter to Mr. Tomberlin about the requested items and enforcement action the township will take if they are not
received. Seconded by Doug, motion passed 2-0.
The Township has not heard anything from the County Attorney or Probation Office about the Chad Jillson violation. Payment
was received for the Satisfaction of Judgement on the Engholm property. Steve Engholm is working on the cleanup of the property.
The Annexation and Land Use section of the Comprehensive Plan was discussed at the Planning Commission meeting. At the
time the current Comprehensive Plan was created, there were concerns about the City of Brainerd annexing property along the
city limits. The largest area annexed was approximately 640 acres that the property owner wanted in the city and township
residents were against it. Brad thought there was a motion or resolution made at the time of the last annexation. The clerk
was asked to try to find any information about an agreement with Brainerd. There was discussion about changing the day that
the planning and zoning administrator is at the town hall from Wednesday to Monday.
Under public comments a question about the Homestead Credit being a lot less this year than previous years was referred
to Crow Wing County. Gerry noticed that Wild Rice Depot was pushing snow across the township road. The clerk will send a
letter to Chad Knudson.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1166-1179 were reviewed and approved.
Road Report. The final payment paperwork for the 50th Avenue and Sweet Road was discussed. The total of $263,885.73
was higher than the estimated cost of $248,585.91. Mark Melby from Crow Wing County asked if the township wanted 2 inches
or 2.5 inches of bituminous on the township roads included in the county road project next year. After discussion Greg made
a motion to go with 2.5 inches of bituminous on the township roads included in Crow Wing County project 18-300-07.
Under communications a notice from Crow Wing County about the Tax Forfeit Tract sale of a 0.02 acre lot at the north end
of Robin Street was reviewed. A letter from John Reynolds about him doing beaver control was reviewed.
Under Administrative business the filing period for the township election on March 10, 2020 is December 31, 2019 until
January 14, 2020. Dave Schultz has indicated that he will not run for supervisor. The question of whether the person elected
to that position will need to also be the road supervisor was asked. It was stated that they are separate positions.
Greg made a motion to contract with Crow Wing County for the March 10, 2020 election services for $300. Doug seconded,
motion passed 2-0. Greg made a motion for the required election judge training and mileage as well as election judge payroll
be paid by the township and sent in for reimbursement from the state. Doug seconded, motion passed 2-0.
Greg will take care of contacting Brad Gorron about the two mailbox complaints that were received by the township. Greg
attended the Fire Committee meeting in Brainerd. Because they are getting a new ladder truck that will not fit through the
current fire department doors, the doors will need to be made bigger or they might need a new facility.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of November 12, 2019, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 2-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm.