Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
December 9, 2019 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Nate Keller (New Planning &
Zoning Administrator), Justin Burslie (Previous Planning & Zoning Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and
Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Nate Keller was introduced to the Planning Commission as the new Planning & Zoning Administrator as Justin will be
doing other things. Justin will continue to attend Planning Commission meetings while the new Comprehensive Plan update is
worked on.
There were no public hearings.
Additions or deletions to agenda. Doug made a motion to approve the agenda as written, seconded by Dan, passed 5-0.
Open forum: Brad commented on the township's authority for doing their own planning and zoning as Statute 462 for cities
and townships. The county operates under Statute 369. The county has made changes to their ordinance and will be considering
a VRBO ordinance. Brad wanted the township to be aware of what the county is doing as it may also affect the township. Justin
said that the county is handling the VRBO as a licensing issue and public comments are due by December 15th. Any issues individual
Planning Commission members have should be made known to the county.
Doug made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 9, 2019 meeting as written. Seconded by Linda. Motion passed.
Under New Business, the email from Brenda Hayes about the Fletcher property was discussed. She said the Planning Commission
backed off the total number of trees required to be planted on the berm. Brad stated that the original requirement was to
put a berm and plant trees in areas that had no vegetative buffer. Mr. Fletcher put the berm the whole length of the residential
property line and it was decided that areas that had enough vegetation between Fletcher's and the residences did not need
trees planted on the berm. Some areas already had 100' of vegetative buffer between the properties. More trees were planted
at the north end where the berm stopped. Mr. Fletcher has cooperated with the CUP requirements and there will be regular
inspections of the property in the future. Brad has not heard of any noise complaints since the changes were made. Justin
will contact Brenda Hayes about the issue.
The current township Comprehensive Plan was discussed. Justin recommended that the Planning Commission review the current
plan section by section and talk about changes that need to be made. A public hearing will be held after the changes have
been made. A public survey may be made to get comments from residents about the plan. Updated information will be included
in the tables and maps currently in the plan.
Section I-INTRODUCTION and Section II-HISTORIC AND CURRENT TRENDS will have statistical information updated. Section
III THE FUTURE was reviewed. It was agreed that the first sections about Creating a Vision and The Environment were okay.
The Annexation and Land Use section needs a few changes. At the time the current Comprehensive Plan was created, there were
concerns about the City of Brainerd annexing property along the city limits. The largest area annexed was approximately 640
acres that the property owner wanted within the city but many township residents did not. Brad has also had conversations
with the City of Baxter about them annexing property on the south side of the Mississippi River. Nate asked if there was
an annexation agreement with the City of Brainerd or the City of Baxter. Brad thought there was a motion or resolution made
about the process at the time of the last annexation. The clerk was asked to try to find any information about an agreement
with Brainerd. The Recreation section should include information about the BMX Track. The Public Land map needs to be updated.
Changes to Section III will be addressed at the next meeting. Everyone was encouraged to read through Section IV GOALS &
STRATEGIES for discussion at the next meeting.
Old Business-The Township has not heard anything from the County Attorney or Probation Office about the Chad Jillson violation.
Payment was received for the Satisfaction of Judgement on the Engholm property. Steve Engholm is still working on the cleanup.
Brad has received more complaints from the Wade Tomberlin neighbors about issues with Mr. Tomberlin. Doug and Paul did a
site visit on October 14, 2019. Wade was not present for the site inspection. The township is still waiting for proof of
a garbage pickup service, certification of a compliant sewer system, and some items that need to be cleaned up. Doug made
a motion to recommend the Town Board contact attorney Dan Hawley to send a letter to Mr. Tomberlin about the requested items
and enforcement action the township will take if they are not received. Seconded by Dan, motion passed 5-0.
Justin reported that there have been 25 permits issued this year. There were 8 new dwellings, 14 accessory structures
or dwelling additions, and property rezoning, property split, and ground-mounted solar system. 7-9 SSTS permits were also
issued during the year. The office hours at the town hall may be changed from Wednesday to Monday starting next spring to
not conflict with Nate's other commitments.
Under Town Board Correspondence a letter to a property on Catherine's Way about the finished side of a fence facing the
wrong way was reviewed.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:47 PM.