Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Doug made a motion to approve the agenda. Dave seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business Bruce Hayes was present to present information about establishing speed limits on Catherine's Way and
Libby Lane. He requested a 30 mph speed zone because people are driving too fast and a child was hit by a car while walking
to the school bus stop. There are bus stops at each end of Catherine's Way and people are driving into the sun towards the
east end of the road. The road meets the state criteria of a Rural Residential District with access to homes within 300 feet
of each other for a distance of ¼ mile or more. After discussion Doug made a motion to place 35 MPH signs at each end of
Catherine's Way and a 35 MPH and Dead End sign at the intersection of Catherine's Way and Libby Lane. Greg seconded, Motion
passed 3-0.
Doug received a call about a fuel leak from an above-ground diesel tank at the Expert Insulation property on Brian's Way.
The MPCA sent letters to residents in the area about the leak and requested information on residential wells in the area.
The resident wanted Doug to inform the town board about the issue.
Crow Wing County Highway Department Project CP 18-300-07 was discussed. The estimate to repave the approximately 2.5
miles of township roads included in the project is $385,615.00. Engineering costs are not included and should be 8% of the
construction costs. After discussion, Greg made a motion to go ahead with repaving 110th Street, Forest Heights Drive, Black
Bear Trail, Black Bear Circle and Forest Heights Circle with Boulder Court, Sand Creek Circle and Stonewood Court as an alternate
bid to the project. Doug seconded. Motion passed 3-0. After the project is bid the township would have the option of including
the alternate roads or not doing them at this time.
The five year road plan was discussed. With the 2020 projects estimated at $385,615 and the need to spend about $100,000
for crack filling in 2021, it was suggested that the current five year plan for 2021-2023 be moved back one year as 2022-2024.
Dave made a motion to modify the five-year road construction plan as:
2020 110th Street (0.656 miles); Forest Heights Drive (1.3 miles); Forest Heights Circle (0.18 miles); Black Bear Circle
(0.133 miles); Black Bear Trail (0.265 miles); Boulder Court (0.144 miles); Sand Creek Circle (0.075 miles); and Stonewood
Court (0.135 miles). Total 2.888 miles.
2021 Crack filling all roads $100,000
2022 Brandon Way (west of TH 371) (1.164 miles); Crow Wing Heights Drive (0.386 miles); Arielle Drive (0.815 miles);
and Home Place Drive (0.31 miles). 2.675 miles
2023 Save money for 2024 projects.
2024 Barrows Roads- Brandon Way (0.574 miles); Canary Street (0.40 miles); Cuyuna Avenue (0.126 miles); Depot Street
(0.281 miles); Heron Street (0.40 miles); Holmes Avenue (0.21 miles); Jay Street (0.064 miles);) Quail Street (0.40 miles);
Robin Street (0.341 miles); Strong Avenue (0.082 miles); Wels Avenue (0.852 miles); Wilson School Avenue (0.33 miles). Total
4.06 miles.
Greg seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under unfinished business the 2021 budget and levy were discussed. There was discussion about the past years history
on revenue and expenditures and levy amounts. Dave made a motion to keep the levy the same as 2020 for a total of $418,000.
Greg seconded, motion passed 3-0. The following amounts will be presented for the 2021 levy to the residents at the annual
General Fund $61,000
Road & Bridge $300,000
Fire Fund $57,000
The updated 2021 Budget spreadsheet was reviewed. Greg made a motion to keep the 2021 Budget the same as the 2020 Budget
with Revenues of $485,892 and Expenditures of $448,282. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Dave drove by the Chad Jillson property and nothing appears to have changed on the cleanup. The County Attorney was contacted
about the probation terms that include the property cleanup and he was going to contact the probation department about it.
Paul Stephany and Doug visited the Wade Tomberlin property and it appears that progress has been made on the cleanup.
Under public comments it was mentioned that one of the office chairs has a broken leg. The clerk was directed to contact
the last renters of the town hall to find out what happened.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1151-1165 were reviewed and approved.
Road Report. Dave sold two mailbox supports, one for David Nobis at 5367 Gorron Road and one to Randy at Dales Excavating
for the Edberg residence at 6467 Wetherbee Road. An entrance permit for Don Hines at 7371 Lone Oak Road was received. Brad
Gorron bladed the dirt portion of Cuyuna Avenue. Potholes on Forest Heights Drive and 70th Avenue were filled. The tractor
is not fixed yet. The mechanic is still working on it.
Under communications Sourcewell notified the township that Nate Keller will be taking Justin's place as our Planning &
Zoning Administrator. Justin will still work with the township on the comprehensive plan update. A Joint Powers Agreement
for Planning & Zoning services is now required by the state. Greg made a motion to approve Addendum #1: Joint Powers
Agreement between Sourcewell and Crow Wing Township. Dave seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A donation request from Crow Wing County Drug Court and Crow Wing DWI Court was reviewed. It will be presented at the
annual meeting. The 2019 Proposed Land Use Ordinance Revisions were reviewed. The Crow Wing County Highway Department Cost
Participation Policy was discussed. A notice from PERA was received notifying the township that any former township officers
who have not paid into PERA for over five years will forfeit any balance remaining in their account.
Under Administrative business the township is required to designate the election polling place each year. Dave made a
motion to approve Crow Wing Township Resolution No. 2019-03 Designating Annual Polling Place at the Town Hall, 6930 Cuyuna
Avenue, Brainerd, MN 56401. Greg seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Certifying the outstanding administrative fees on property violations to the property taxes was discussed. Dave made
a motion to certify the administrative fees and place them on the property taxes, seconded by Doug, motion passed 3-0.
The clerk reported on a meeting with Doug Morris and Ryan Simonson about the county taking over recycling duties from
the township. They want to reduce the number of sites in the county to 5 which includes our township site. The county would
pay the trash haulers and keep the money currently paid to the township. The township would need to consider the costs of
picking up overflow items, wear and tear on the parking lot and other issues that may come up.
The clerk reported on the Presidential Primary meeting that was held at the Crow Wing County Land Services building.
The primary will be on March 3, 2020 and current trained election judges will be able to work for the primary. There will
be an hour of extra training required during January 2020 because of the changes from a normal election. The state will be
paying for the election and Crow Wing County may handle all the paperwork.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of October 8, 2019, seconded by Dave. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.